General Discussion

General Discussionfairy girl OP disabler

fairy girl OP disabler in General Discussion
meteor hammer

    her q is absurd, e is a 3.5s aoe stun and her ult is a savage roar the size of chronosphere


      new hero to spam when the update is available in sea xD


        The pangolier guy too,look at his 1st skill.It jumping around with 5 scd cooldown with 4 hit every cast.Combine it with u can burn 200 mana per cast,rip wk

        And his 3rd skill break armor and 30% slow in lvl 1.So he can played to be roamer too.And 2nd skill actually ursa enrage with nuke..and more duration

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          lion OP disabler.
          his w is absurd, q is a 2.6s aoe stun and his ulti is literally half hp as damage

          Riguma Borusu

            doesn't fear make kind of a really shit ultimate tho

            I mean it is a great utility spell (which you can have on QoP now) but why is it part of the ultimate on this hero?

            white boy summer

              no way to farm, doesnt scale with items

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                idk i didnt get an impression pangolin is too strong, probably because i play vs 2ks who dont read skills in test client

                the wisp lady on the other hand is fucking nuts, impossible to gank because of q and w and has a pocket death ward on steroids every 20 seconds
                fear and e arent even that good compared to the rest of her skill set

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  also instantly doubles her dps on lv25

                  meteor hammer

                    she gets two spells for ult, the big fear and a melee range dps thing


                      you can move through the q without getting caught, its probably practically impossible but it can be done. She just gets so much damage out of her w though. I think they nerf that damage and she becomes what she was intended to be, a support. the stun is also on a 4 second timer so you do have time to react.

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        shes a really shitty support


                          turns out u can take stacks on this hero using bedlam
                          she cant farm neutrals constantly but she can take stacks


                            why, seems decent enough to me. Three aoe disables on fairly low cooldowns a spell that practically guarentees your spells will get off with a strong nuke attached to it. Her biggest problem seems to me that none of her disables are instant.


                              She’s probably the shittier of the two.

                              People will try to run her as a puck style mid at first. Then they’ll realise that her skills don’t help her win mid, her atrocious auto attack damage and low range make her a poor laner, and her skills while providing some powerful team fight crowd control don’t scale at all.

                              Like blink and aether lens are about all the items she needs for full effect. Meteor hammer is probably the only other core item she would like.

                              Problem is her poor laning also makes her a poor lane support. She can’t trade well and her tiny attack range means she can’t harass easily. Yeah her aoe root, stun and chronosphere sized force run away spells are really strong for a team fight you have the issue of getting her up to that point. I can only really see her working in a dedicated trilane.

                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                why, seems decent enough to me. Three aoe disables on fairly low cooldowns a spell that practically guarentees your spells will get off with a strong nuke attached to it. Her biggest problem seems to me that none of her disables are instant.

                                u need to get there first and all of her disables are mediocre in lane/vs solitary opponents

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  People will try to run her as a puck style mid at first. Then they’ll realise that her skills don’t help her win mid, her atrocious auto attack damage and low range make her a poor laner, and her skills while providing some powerful team fight crowd control don’t scale at all.

                                  Like blink and aether lens are about all the items she needs for full effect. Meteor hammer is probably the only other core item she would like.



                                    abilities dont scale at all?
                                    hello my 3600 magic dmg aoe ability on a 20 second cd wud like to speak to u


                                      whys murranji not banned yet

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        wait the wisp dmg is magical?




                                            so u can do some nuts shit with bedlam + shadow realm and veil

                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                              thats pretty rad then

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                what did you think it was? physical? having 2 ults seem busted though. i initially thought they shared cooldowns because it said "bedlam cant be used while terrorize is active" but its literally just 2 ultimates. UncleNox how is that balanced? UncleNox


                                                  idk at least she cant both be a huge teamfight control hero while also dealing great dmg in burst and aoe with a huge aoe save and setup


                                                    Yeah ok feel free to run her mid but don’t blame me when you get your easy -25 (or however the new ranking records it now).

                                                    Also I will laugh every time I see her use her ulti on a target who just activates blademail.

                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                      u know she can stun them first right?

                                                      The DarKNovA

                                                        So far she seems pretty legit for a core, in long game setups.

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          Also I will laugh every time I see her use her ulti on a target who just activates blademail.

                                                          yeah too bad there are no items in the game that could counter this

                                                          fucking retard


                                                            dat fairy
                                                            terror them into your root.
                                                            Cast stun, and see your second ultimate kill them all :ppppppppp

                                                            She feels as stupid as es when he was first out, but so much easier to play, at the cost of a bit less range for initiation.

                                                            If not for the lvl 15 talent, pangolin seems on the strong part, but not to the point of OP. Might be wrong though. mb som1 will use the ball properly to stunlock people, i already know an easy way to proc it at least 3 time on the same target.

                                                            Anyway, i must admit that no matter how much i screamed about that io talent tree, (fuck that shit with 4 lvl 25 talents and the possibility to take 3 of them) the fairy seems even more broken.

                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                              Yeah ok feel free to run her mid but don’t blame me when you get your easy -25 (or however the new ranking records it now).
                                                              Also I will laugh every time I see her use her ulti on a target who just activates blademail.

                                                              stick to fapping to 10 gb zeus x spectre porn stash u have

                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                what did you think it was? physical?

                                                                of course i thought it was physical, everything else that autoattacks in this game is physical

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  lion OP disabler.
                                                                  his w is absurd, q is a 2.6s aoe stun and his ulti is literally half hp as damage

                                                                  all of her abilities have huge fucking cast range, her w makes her untouchable for 5 seconds while she fucks ur whole team over casting her 4 different spells that qualify as teamfight ultimates


                                                                    yeah, we finaly have a hero with more ultimate than nyx. 5 against 4

                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                      i played one game (it wasnt even intentional and i obviously sucked) but from my impressions, she rides or dies with bedlam. without that her damage is just not enough, root has insane cooldown, stun is very hard to use and has short cast range, shadow realm is really good (probably should have maxed it) but it has a charge time so even that is not very good for burst damage.

                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                        I like how they added two heroes, one is amazing, the other one dogshit.

                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                          im confused
                                                                          her w says shes untargetable but i played vs bots and bane nightmared me in w somehow so i thought it just means ure untargetable for autoattacks and phys damage
                                                                          but when i played vs her i couldnt cast point target spells on her

                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                            ^it is a bug, bots can target her because they don't have to click her, valve fucked up in how they coded her "untargetableness"


                                                                              A pretty crazy combo to run across is her and bloodseeker with his blood rite + E Q combo from willow. It's basically serves the same function as Eul's for BS since it holds them down with the benefit of attacking.

                                                                              Similarly, if you rupture and use the fear ult, they also take insane damage.
                                                                              I think her as position 4 is personally best as she can build up to Kaya/forcestaff to provide the disruption needed in a teamfight but I'm not really sure about her as a core.

                                                                              At the end of the day, though, just playing against her is pretty painful and if it isn't banned during ranked, I tend to ask my teammates to pick her first rotation.

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                she seems pretty fucking strong 1v1, dodge everything with w, hit back for heaps of dmg, then the brambles plus ult is like garunteed kill at 6. I guess it might have been cus I was medusa so couldn't zone with snake cus she just dodged it then retreated until w was back off cd.


                                                                                  Dagon seems pretty good on the fairy girl. You can phase out and then shock the enemy with amplified damage.


                                                                                    she may have to run into the fight to use bedlam, but she has her w to protect her, and she can build items like force to back out again


                                                                                      im fairly sure sf can still ruin her by triple razing through her w
                                                                                      fucking crazy shit

                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                        I am pretty sure you go blink + euls to abuse bedlam

                                                                                        another build I have seen is "let's pretend this hero is DP" approach where they just make her tanky as fuck and she runs into people to destroy them with veil and 3k+ magical damage because why the fuck not

                                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                                          lvl 10 triple raze is 1190 damage xd


                                                                                            my question, is running her as more of a right clicker a possibility, something akin to qop. I mean you don't have the same mobility as a qop but instead you get crowd control and you still have decent escape.


                                                                                              Whait a Minute. You guys try to say a hero with 2 ultimates 3 aoe control speels and an 1k Nuke on 12 s CD that also makes you invincible is NOT broken?


                                                                                                i like going shit like shivas, veil, kaya, blink, force,


                                                                                                  She just crushes alot of lanes. I had to lane against her and a Slark. was not a fun time. Root into stun, + pounce was not a very fun time.

                                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                                    It doesn't make you invincible, aoe can still hit you but yeah, it basically makes you invincible xD

                                                                                                    I too think her biggest strength is lanes, that root is impossible to dodge and she nukes hard at level 3.

                                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                      there is a hero in the game with a worse root for his ultimate (treant protector)