General Discussion

General Discussion7.07 theorycrafting and discussion

7.07 theorycrafting and discussion in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    Does Stampede work on the moving techies mines now?



      i believe 7.07 will force players to make 2-1-2 lanes. cus seems like offlane is kinda impossible and worthless since denying creep xp's reduced to %25 , its like u cant even wait at lane and take xp . so why not u try to make dual lane and have 2 carries instead of one? weSmart

      white boy summer

        sven MoM sny bkb daed blink


          @rocnqpung I so believe you're right. I think we'll see alot more of the duo offlanes now, and I love it! The awkward combos between heros that normally wouldn't have a spot on the team, but now is focused on disrupting the enemies' safelane carry farm. We'll see utility combos, out of the box thinking kind of pairings that were previously unlikely without the cries of the average "jungle LC or leave". I don't know how this will effect roaming though I expect that will reimain much the same. I do hope that rotating becomes more of a thing with the new tp, but since there's no auto-tp after the first one is spent, I guess we'll see.




              All right time to practice chen, dual offlane seems good

              Dire Wolf

                Undying got some big buffs too, undying dual lanes anyone?


                  How about Dazzle Poison touch rework thats nice!

                  Oh well! Barathrum goodbye! Max Q Slardar will take your crown 😂


                    I think wk would pretty good in the offlane with maybe io or get a roaming sk or anything and the moment u kill the enemy you push tower with spooky skeletals
                    But these are like the only supports I can think of io lich pugna
                    Any idea what others supports can have combos in offlane ?


                      undying, could definetly run something awful with a veno, maybe you'd see aa


                        u can aggro lane with dark willow she is so fucking strong


                          I really want to play around with the new morphling. Although I'm almost certain he's going to be the source if half the new bugs in this patch. I think hes going to be insanely strong since you keep your item stats when you morph into another hero.

                          Dusa also seems usable now. Finally have attack modifiers on the split shots. Lvl 20 extra stone gaze talent seems gamewinning.


                            Elder titan with meteor hammer and roshan refresher.

                            Wait a minute can you now vacuum stomped enemies without waking them up now?!

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                            Story Time

                              Jugo Boss

                                Chaos Knight, Dragon Knight, Void, Kunkka, lifestealer, A-M, Bane and Arc Warden (This one because of item upgrades and new nullifier) are now ez pub stomping heroes (Check the talents and how they scale). Tiny seems quite about right the scepter limited the build quite a bit but it had unlimited freaking attacks, and there is no reason to completly remove his agility and agility gain


                                  alch io is broken
                                  backdooring like this shudnt be allowed


                                    ok pangolier is beyond OP, i can't believe a hero like this exists.


                                      37% winrate?