General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter Visage mid?

How to counter Visage mid? in General Discussion
dont be thrilled by this ...

    considering you dont have a dream team so opt-out ganking
    how you manage solo vs a visage on midlane?
    he lvl ups fast as hes solo, hes tanky u cant harass much,
    after 6lvl he conjures familiars and rapes you with slow+imba dmg+stuns from familiars.

    in my case i was sniper and tried to stay far and farm and harass with sharpnel but after 6 he totally destroyed me(however he had near 0 versatility and around 700 avg gpm/xpm which means he was a booster or visage spammer)


      His account is being boosted lol he went from barely having a 50% ranked winrate to literally winning 27 out of 29 games.

      dont be thrilled by this ...

        true and sad. i just checked his account,
        the booster is necro spammer which in my game necro was banned.

        anyway the hero itself is cancer, any suggestion to counter?
        i can counter necro with magic dmg but no idea how to deal with visage

        Friendly player
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          Friendly player

   Why do you ask something that can be searched on internet?

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              literally any retard can edit those and that has nothing to do with laning anyway.

              Dire Wolf

                Look dude you just have to play better. I get he's a smurf so maybe his last hitting was way above yours, but you bought phase at min 9, then aquila at 15. That means you missed like every cs in lane. This is me vs a viper who kicked my ass in lane and still 2:34 aquila, 7:34 treads.

                Visage barely outranges sniper level 1, and by 3 at most you should have a point in take aim and out range him by 50. You have comperable level 1 dmg and he has negative starting armor and won't get cloak til later so you should win any harrassment battles early. Basically he shouldn't be able to win lane before 6. At 6 yes he can kill you outright but you should have a lot more items and then he can't kill you as easily. If you back under tower when he sends familars I don't think visage can dive you.


                  Veno is an extremely hard counter to visage, viper right behind that. Take either of those heroes mid vs visage and you’ll shit on them.

                  dont be thrilled by this ...

                    @direwolf youre right i sucked this game and its not my average sniper (i got around 70-% wr), he got some early kills by gankings which as i remember riki and wd ganked few times and gave him advantage, however i guess with those items in proper time he still shits on sniper after 6.
                    anyway, as sniper i literally win vs every laning even pa before 6 cuz sharpnel is so strong but i couldnt harass this pesky visage and every time i use sharpnel he came closer in my face and even uses soul assumption which hurts a lot. (and yes after 6 he dived me under tower and no safe spot for me with that slow and heavy dmg)

                    @A BSJ i see how viper can survive(hes a survivor!) , but veno with his low hp and short atk range and slow ms?!

                    @I play for fun
                    through the link you shared , i can approve leshrac could be a good mid vs him. but others where either not mid laner or situational.


                      @qrl from spamming visage veno is the worst to play against. He q’s you and your familiars and you can’t do shit. Also when the familiars come out of stone form and veno q’s them they can’t run away, making it an easy 200 gold. Also veno burns through visages passive I believe


               Why do you ask something that can be searched on internet?

                        this retarded gamepedia thinks rubick and leshrac r visage counters.
                        wtf is a low armor hero with an unreliable stun, or another low armor slow support with no escape gonna do to visage


                          "this retarded gamepedia thinks rubick and leshrac r visage counters.
                          wtf is a low armor hero with an unreliable stun, or another low armor slow support with no escape gonna do to visage"
                          but they say rubric can stole familiars from Visage 1 in 1000% but still. xD

                          Leshrac in 2015 uh, can rape anybody.


                            I played pl mid against Visage with success, not sure if it was because of skill difference though but with pms you can't really be harassed and whenever visage tries to go on you with medallion+grave chill you just w away.


                              try timber (forget about meta just try it)


                                u want either high armor
                                or u want smth that cant be blown up my single target
                                thing with picking escape is that a good visage will just atos into stun into stun into resummon birds stun and stun again
                                which is pretty disgusting but also pretty damn hard


                                  any normal midlaner tbh


                                    more like i cant think of hero that loses mid to visage


                                      ^i can barely think of heroes who dont die to lvl 6 visage besides maybe dk and storm

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                                        then all i can suggest is to not attempt to think any further

                                        idk what half the champio...

                                          What kind of shitter spams necro to increase mmr

                                          Дима Смирнов

                                            QoP, TA, brood, wr, timbersaw, dk


                                              I kind of feel like viper's not horrible here either.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                oh well did you have a sentry mid vs riki? You just have to drop one yourself if no one else will. I get it, sniper is hard if enemy team is devoted to shutting your lane down, but very strong 1v1.


                                                  U should start dominating visage at lvl 1 when he has literally 0 armor and 285 movement speed.
                                                  Iirc OpTic countered mid visage with a fucking jakiro mid

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