General Discussion

General Discussionbs for high rmm players

bs for high rmm players in General Discussion

    is here any boosters or high rmm players who play on smurfs and have low behavior score?
    i just interested is it really affect your producvtivity comparing to 'normal' accs
    i am asking cos my bs is 982 and sometimes i have leavers in team or just tilted as fuck teammates, but as for me, it's something common to dota servers , i mean nothing special here
    and yes i play on russian servers sometimes, so literally question is, is it harder to boost acc with low bs

      Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
      Riguma Borusu

        I always think people are talking about fucking bloodseeker, jesus fucking christ.


          ^thnx, as i expected

          Mlada i Luda

  , from min 1 to min 6 he explain how bs works prety much. i dont actually know who this guy is but i can aprove from my experience and researches also what he says. about your questions, boosters will be less affected by it for sure.

            I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

              no it doesnt matter I had super low score now it became higher havent bothered to check after the 1st time, but I don't care if I get dual mid/feeders/ruiners/anything I'm still gonna win a game.

              Centaur Warrunner

                on a smurf

                player_behavior_score_last_report: 5212

                Riguma Borusu

                  I don't believe matchmaking is done on the basis of behaviour score because I get everything from people who should have about 2k behaviour score, to people who are extremely nice and communicative and should have 8-9k. I was about 5k last time I checked.

                  Also, I do not think anyone needs to bother with this crap, just play the fucking game.

                  @Bart Bot: Everyone ignore that link, the guy talks horseshit, he even said arteezy would lose most 5k games as a support cause he doesn't know how to play support ROFL

                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                    Of course it affects it. I know a guy, who is around 6k mmr & he lost 7 games in a row in 3k mmr, on his account that has like 1- 2k behavior score. He didn't play his best heroes, but still...I guess if he played his best heroes, he would have won it, if not all, at least majority of them. If it was normal behavior score, games would be super ez for him. In the current meta, it's much harder to solo carry, not to mention current matchmaking has a terrible design.

                    Mlada i Luda

                      @RPQ-sama lul, brah. you kids rly watch those pro-se like gods or something, why you surprised by that?? i've seen artezy loosing 5k games even as a core, when some idiot kid stole his role while he was 3k below artezy , i watch artezy stream he losses alot of this game in 5k average when he smurfs. as isaid i dont know and idont care who that guy is, but i can aprove from my experience waht he says. watch this than and than you can ignore aui also if you want. he doesnt talk directly about bs, but he talks about flaming and ragers and how it affects gameplay

                      what you believe is your problem , if you dont believe in true facts , youcant be helped than lol. matchmaking it is based in bs same as it it in mmr.if you dont believe 1 you dont belive in the other also which doesnt make sense.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        You believe in it based on experience. I don't believe in it based on experience. If behaviour score really matters, then it has a way more intangible effect than people think, because I get anything from incredibly toxic people to really nice people all the time.

                        Speaking of which, the behaviour score cannot even represent anything tangible. I can be a toxic fuck, and feed or give up at 5 minutes into the game and afk in fountain, or I can try to keep my team together and win the game against any odds. It really depends on my mood, actually. My behaviour score of about 5.5k doesn't really say shit about me, so it really doesn't matter, and I get a lot of really nice people in my team with it, which is why I do not think it is a strict or important as MMR.

                        Mlada i Luda

                          @RPQ-sama , gl next brah XD. whatever you think about bs and matchmaking system. i made 100 times more researches and experiments about it . i jsut wante to share my info for anyone that can find it helpful, im not trying to sound smart or something like that. i helped a lot of kids in real life having this knds of problems , and dota was affecting theyr life. cause of that reason , im sure there are many kids like them inhere, and it can't be blamed they jsut kids.

                          Bosnian Blade

                            wtf is bs?
                            just mute ppl and keep playin for win.

                            Mlada i Luda

                              @Bosnian Blade, how much is yours?

                              meteor hammer

                                i have 3600 b score xd