General Discussion

General DiscussionSven Is Best Hero to Spam?

Sven Is Best Hero to Spam? in General Discussion

    My Friends and I Decided to bet on Arcana and want to race who will get to 5k first, Is Sven is the strong hero on this patch to spam? we are starting from 3k


      Ill said necro or axe, winter wyvern if ur team lack of pos5 support,because they all anti-carry and 3k below always pick 5 man carry

      I just guessing eh


        Necro and Axe, Noted. I will Limiting my Hero Pool, and not to play much heroes.

        Offlaner : Axe Check
        Mid : Necro Check
        Safelane : Sven Check
        Support : WW Check

        Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

          id also add spirit breaker to support and if you can play him properly, visage mid


            is there a time limit what if none of you guys get 5k after 20 years?

            chicken spook,,,,

              Spam whatever the fuck you want its 3k ffs


                ^ :thinking:
                How about give me 2 arcana if u guys doesnt 5k in 1month.

                For the sake of gamble


                  U might never get to 5k from 3k lol. Shoot for the stars I guess

                  Riguma Borusu

                    Some people can go from 3k to 5k playing AA and Bane.

                    But can YOU get to 5k spamming <insert_hero_here>? Who knows. Try it.


                      Necro and spirit breaker should be easy mmr .


                        If your 3 now it will take 2 years to reach 5k buy just spamming a hero.


                          Chen or Visage are the fastest way to get 5k. People cant really deal with them.

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                          chicken spook,,,,

                            Chen is extremely hard to master tho


                              No matter what you will pick, you will not get 5k, except if you master heroes like meepo, who can trully solo win in right hands

                              Potato Marshal

                                Why didn't you just make the bet for 4k? You're not going to shoot up 2k just because you decide to spam a hero.

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  I'm a 5k at heart does that count?


                                    At heart everyone is miracle, but at reality team holds you back


                                      At heart everyone is miracle, but at reality team holds you back

                                      Story Time

                                        2k mmr with your winrate assumed to be stable (52%) makes it:
                                        you get 100 mmr every 100 games, meaning 2000 mmr will be achieved after 2000 games :D or 62.5 days of playing dota nonstop.

                                        But a stable win rate is rather stong assumption, so this is a lower bound of the estimation

                                        Mlada i Luda

                                          why do you care about patch , you aint going 5k for at least 2-3 more patches. i mean best case scenario. a normal scenario you arent even going to 4k neither of you lol.


                                            lol when u will get 5k? in 2 years? :D


                                              5k? If you reach that, you are top2% of all dota players. I guess it is not about spamming anymore, but about your matches analysis, pro analysis and a lot of dedication.

                                              4k is already top 15%... there are 35% of players between 3k and 4k. Jumping over them in less than a year? Dedication needed.

                                              Story Time

                                                ^estimates are obscure. 4k is not top 15%, because u did not adjust 2-3k for having smurfs and dead accounts of casual players. Also the data on mmr distribution is based on the self-reported/reveal data and anonymous players are not considered either


                                                  5k+ was 0,2 % back in the days. Now it hoovers around 0.5 % imo. (it may be be higher cos of smurf accounts though)

                                                  When it comes to Chen or Visage these are heros that you get only better with, game after game. Its really worth trying to learn those heros, especially Visage who is much easier.

                                                  Chen is also not that hard to learn, your job is to win lanes and carry smokes from the start. After that its all about saving people most of the time with Test of Faith, healing and pipe + spamming penitence.

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                                                  Bill Cutting

                                                    Hey Lex

                                                    Do u have any tips for Visage

                                                    Is Midas necessary? And if u go Midas do u get xp or gold talent?

                                                    I normally get boots, wand, and then rush atos, from there aghs

                                                    I also like tranquils but I see some people don't get and then get travels later


                                                      I dont play Visage but everytime a competent enemy plays it - my teams dont know what to do. You would have to make new thread about this. There are people here that spammed it into 5k+.

                                                      Meepo is ez to counter - people know how to deal with him. But what about Visage ? What to pick hmm ? Personally I only win against good Visage with safe lane Sniper.

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                                                        Necro, axe, lich, visage, brood, earthshaker

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          Eh sven is probably the best safe melee hero right now but that's not saying much since most others suck. What's sven really good at? Wiping teams with setup and killing teams that clump. Those aren't really picked a lot right now. Most heroes are just stupid cancer nukers like necro, invoker, or guys who will stun you and make your life miserable like earthshaker, spirit breaker. The squishy heroes sven can blow up instantly aren't there, nor are a bunch of melee core teams where sven will go in and wreck.

                                                          So try it but usually teams counter pick the shit out of me and kite and make life miserable.


                                                            no , meepo is the best for spamming !

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              Laning sven is way too frustrating for me. I prefer to just pick BS so that no matter what lane matchup I get, I can at least get sustain. With a bad support, Bloodseeker is underleveled. With a bad support, Sven is completely ruined.

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                                                                idk why people think that it matters to pick a specific hero to spam to reach 4-5k

                                                                spam anything and master it, so you can learn the rest of the game that isn't hero dependant.


                                                                  pick necro. win game.

                                                                  also will this game even still be around when OP makes it to 5k?

                                                                  OHHHHH SNAP SICK BURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                                                    Lately i've been playing visage mid, strong hero indeed. But he seems lack to win the game just solo. You need to snowball hard with him. And this hero just momentum based. Basically past 30-40 min he is nothing. Try my friends to end fast is hard af. I choose sven cause he can push tower hard. Hard. Real hard and have built in armor, cleave, stuns, damage. Basically with just nothing he can fight better than other core. If situation looks bad go other opt. Rat em!


                                                                      But anyway :

                                                                      My pool will be sven, visage, necro, bara, axe, ww, and centaur only this 6 heroes that i will play in my journey to 5k.

                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                        I think the most annoying thing about Sven is how useless he is without his ult. Every other transformation hero can accomplish more with their ult down. Terrorblade still hits hard if farmed, Lycan and DK are doing okay but not great, Sven is just fucking useless.

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                                                                          yes he is, i do recognize that, but the built in skill in sven make him excel, especially in 3k early where everyone is a trash, that built in skill from sven save him a lot, with just blink echo threads he can rekt 2k-3k gpm above him, easily. that is his strong point, a comeback capabilites, a chance to 3 shot hero, and turn the tide around, it's priceless and that is other heroes can't do. i do felt like playing vs sven is always plays agains time, you need to push early or he just rekt you. easy.


                                                                            People think u need to spam a hero to win mmr in 4k.
                                                                            What you REALLY need to spam is "?" in chat and tilt the enemy team into feeding.
                                                                            That is truly how u win in 4k.

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                                                                              Will try that lone dog thanks




                                                                                  I just know that carry (such as am, pa) is the most dominating in 3k-4k brackets. Try to play earthspirit, u will climb it faster.


                                                                                    u can check out my profile, yea it works, i calibrated this acc 2k kappa, then managed hit hs bracket (pudge spam u can check it out) then went down to 2.8 and now i choose sven for spamming, it works

                                                                                    Story Time

                                                                                      in lower brackets sven is easy to win even if you are mentally challenged because people do not care about countering him

                                                                                      Pump Cultist

                                                                                        A wise man once told me destroying the ancient multiple times in a row will raise your mmr
                                                                                        Try that
                                                                                        Good luck on your journey, which arcana iis it?


                                                                                          4/23 Techies game, OP u doin fine in your way up.


                                                                                            sorry lex, i am kind of fucked up especially when i play more than 8 games a day. i am kind of easily bored to spam heroes, next time i gotta play maximal 2 games a day . and it's end there. win or lose.


                                                                                              Guess we already know you won't have what it takes lol.


                                                                                                Yeah. That kind of attittude holds me back. There is thought like.

                                                                                                I won game with sven, i need more fun heroes to play i need change

                                                                                                And i just fed feelsbadman


                                                                                                  I'm just a noobie but why don't people talk about AM? He has builtin scape, scales super well into late, mobility helps to get high GPM even if you're noobie like me, can rat as plan B, and becomes unstoppable if fed... what am I missing here? I know it takes very long for him to become online but you really just need to be careful, not feed, and talk your team into playing safe (oh I think I see what I was missing).


                                                                                                    You just answered your own questions.

                                                                                                    Very long to online. Talk your teammates to play safe. Impossible.

                                                                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                                                                      So is there a deadline for this competition if neither of you reach 5k?


                                                                                                        Imho spammed 3 heroes to reach 5k. Mid meepo/tinker/storm.

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