General Discussion

General DiscussionStrong lane supports and offlaners to pick in this patch?

Strong lane supports and offlaners to pick in this patch? in General Discussion

    Besides the current meta staples (necro, lich, veno).

    Need additional perspective on options i can use for supports and offlaners to get back to 4k.

    Pigeon ( °□°) ︵



        why won't you just pick necro like a normal human being after you see his current state of power


          brew is fine if you're not too bad, dp is fine too, mirana, clockwerk can get an ez lane , weaver , nyx, night stalker ...


            Sk lc are spam material
            Brood and phoenix are situational
            Supports aa ss spirit breaker

            ROAD TO HERALD 0

              I do use heroes like necro, lich and veno, just that there are games where these may not be the best picks, so that's why im looking for other strong alternatives and why.

              I will look to use sk and aa more often; sk in particular has a lot of potential pre-bkbs.

              Question: Which lane match-ups do underlord perform well against, and which type of lineups does underlord synergize with?


                mk offlane if enemy is melee core riki offlane every situation.
                idk lane supp but rubick is not lane supp

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                  warlock just babysit ur carry and have a good impact in clash

                  Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                    he does well against low base damage cores and melee cores

                    ROAD TO HERALD 0

                      Babysitter Warlock is decent i suppose, i might pick him when my team's lineup can make fatal bonds impactful in team fights.

                      Although these days I prefer dazzle over warlock for lane support. He's a better zoner and I think he's less reliant on a big cd spell unlike warlock, which makes dazzle better to get more out of defensive rotations in games where the enemy team are aggressive in the early game.

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                        ES anyone?


                          pos4 ES is much better unless you're laning against a solo melee carry

                          ROAD TO HERALD 0

                            pos4 ES is much better unless you're laning against a solo melee carry

                            On a position 4 ES, if you are starting on the side lanes would you roam mid or primarily sit in the lane during the first 10 minutes?

                            I watched several gh earthshaker replays from this year's games to analyse his early game movement and decision-making, but i dont know if i can replicate his style because as a coordinated team, Liquid can force and execute successful rotations and counter-rotations leading to gh being able to snowball of off that.

                            That kind of initiative and teamwork is not something that's constantly present with different pub teams each game, so my solo decision-making and execution has to be even more on-point to make it work.

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                              Bane and sky are very strong zoning supports in lane

                              ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                Rab8, those options are in my hero pool too, but i have some reservations.

                                I like sky, used to play him a lot pre-7.00, but now with raindrops, wand, and generally people in my bracket playing less greedy than they used to by getting pipes, glimmers and bkbs earlier, he doesnt peak or scale as well as he used to meaning that there's even more pressure on him to make successful plays early on or else any advantage he gets from the early zoning gets negated by how much he falls off.

                                For my own personal skill cap, Bane i would consider to be a situational pick. He's one of the best support bkb-piercing disablers besides doom, but he being single-target can be a real limitation in certain games.

                                ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                  One more question. Against safe lane melee cores (except for fking ursa), which is the better offlaner pick, underlord or bristleback?

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                                    that depends entirely on the enemy carry and support

                                    also people suggesting MK offlane....can anyone below 5k JUST STOP GIVING TIPS TO PEOPLE PLS

                                    yeaaah playing a 300 HP 0 armour hero without escape skill in the offlane seems really good