General Discussion

General DiscussionThe 4 Games a day challenge!

The 4 Games a day challenge! in General Discussion

    Hey guys so a lot of people having trouble on when to play rank and when to stop playing rank which of course a lot of the decisions done fucked their MMR so hard.

    For example: I won 2 games then find the next one because I am a greedy piece of shit then suddenly the match lose and I'm satisfy going to bed with only +25mmr so you know a greedy piece of shit like me is finding another match again which this time is a lose again and so on and on, I know you've experienced too.

    So here is the challenge, you only allow to play 4 SOLO Ranked Games a day.

    -Don't try to go over 4 solo games because the curse is real.(Believe me or not I won 2/4 of my games which is a draw for today but I go beyond the rule and the 5th game is cursed)

    -Do whatever it takes to win the game.(I don't care if you rat or you mouse the game or how you abuse a bug or some shit just do whatever it takes to win the game)

    -You can play as much game as you want as long as it's not over 4 games.

    -Keep track of your W/L. 2 wins? Great 2/4 for today. Draw for today.(So you can keep track of your mmr and have time to watch the replay and see your dirty ass mistake)

    -Have 5 heroes pool.(When I say do whatever it takes to win the game has nothing to do with limited heroes pool because I f***ing believe that learning the inside out and get used to a hero is better than knowing how to press the skill of a hero that you don't know the f***ing playstyle. I've been there done that. I thought I am a professional Dota 2 player, Counter pick at it's finest and all that shit until I realize I'm not even good at a certain hero at all. So get used to a hero you like, a hero you love)

    Things you can do after exceed the 4 Maximum games:

    -Watch your replay or some f***ing godlike 10k replay.

    -Party MMR so you can learn other hero beside your beloved 5 heroes that you're almost perfect at.

    -Troll and post memes in this forum

    -Learn more about Dota 2

    -Play some Arcade

    -Go outside and get a f***ing life.

    Well best of luck to yall. This done helps me a lot. I never get to play one account because every red streak I had is basically my team's fault. Now I accept the fact that I once over-calibrated into 3.9k and dropped to 2k to where I belong and I'll fight it like a man instead of being a p**** blaming my team and abusing the MMR System. Peace. Post your result if yall lazy to write on a book or notepad.


      3/4. (+75) Imma fucking bail and play again tmr.

      chicken spook,,,,

        quite true


 these guy don` t agree with you.

          chicken spook,,,,

            w h o c a r e s a b o u t f a i l e d s m u r f s ' o p i n i o n


              I usually lose mmr on weekends, when i play more games, so the curse is real

              Player 404335202

                How to clickbloodstone on our own portrait irl ? Please i need to do that ! I dont wanna live in this world.

                chicken spook,,,,

                  Weekends = more retards


                    Trust me I rather go to bed +25 than -50. So the 4 games a day challenge cure my MMR Addiction and save my MMR. Just like Vaping save cigarettes user.


                      My personal rule while playing Dota: Don't play a 3rd game if you lose 2 in a row.

                      Its all about mentality. You're on the right track, but I'd argue, why not play a 5th game if you win 4 in a row? Especially if you won with the same hero 4 times in a row, you'll be mechanically prepared to play it again, and can focus more on other things.

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        Physical limits.


                          When your best hero lost a game it's time to rest!


                            When I was 1k, getting 2k to be called a scrub by 3k. Getting 3k to be called a scrub by 4k. I saw 4k being called a scrub by 5k. I saw 5k looking for coach to get to 6k. What is life? Is life an endless circle around MMR? What's the purpose of life?


                              The only sensible rule is probably not to play when u lose a few games in a row as tilt effect is real and losses are highly likely to impact your performance in the next game.

                              Any other rule is just pure superstition


                                me: what


                                  you know what imma do it. ive been playing at least 6 games a day (rank) and i feel god awful after i play them. imma limit the number and keep track. :)


                                    also pretty sure playing dota tryhard AF for the mmr is gonna make the joy go away, make it like an obligation and as u lose u feel so bad. imma try doing it more chill than before


                                      Nah, I'll still stick to my gameplay schedule.

                                      THE ONE WHO KNOCKS

                                        i played yesterday for 7 games. 5/2 = +75

                                        Where's the curse?


                                          I struggle to get a game a day in. Between my job, family and general around the house work hard to find time.

                                          I say unless you lose like 3 in a row or feel you are titled play as many as you can because life will most likely get to busy sooner then later.

                                          Apart from yourself getting titled the previous game has minimal influence on your next.

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