General Discussion

General Discussionkilling another innocent animal for ur food ! is it acceptable ?dont...

killing another innocent animal for ur food ! is it acceptable ?dont u find urself guilty in General Discussion
Player 404335202



      Agree! stop killing poor animals satyrs and wolfs in da jungle! Stop cutting trees and chopping them down!
      Its time to stop!




          i mean no, i dont feel guilty

          Player 404335202

            today i saw how they cut down their heads ! it is very disturbing and yep everyone is free to eat whatever they want .asd asd asd

            mom said it's my turn to ...

              nope. I love my meat.

              meteor hammer

                If they were killing sentient beings for the food i would feel bad

                They are not, so I do not

                meteor hammer

                  They are innocent the same way a lake or a mountain is innocent

                  Pale Mannie

                    i was guilty before i was born


                      why would i feel guity, they're my food.

                      foodchain is a bitch.





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                            SAVEBABIES too though they aer soft and nummy nummy


                              i don't eat meat.


                                Lul at this post.
                                Animals are animals. Humans are the top of the food chain. If you are a human (above all the animals), why would you bother eating nothing but the food of your food?


                                  is this some kind of vegan propaganda?

                                  Player 404335202

                                    I see


                                      Looks like courier related :laugh:


                                        Do you think lions should be banned from killing deers? Things are even way more disturbing in the wild, you know.
                                        At least we are not savages, we breed our food for the purpose. We give them a quick dead.


                                          Well, if you think about it, if we all take on the habit of not eating beef, it would lower the demand and thus reducing our carbon footprint. Raising/breeding cows take too much space that humans need to convert forests to farms and cows release methane that is a pollutant....


                                            Our society eats far too much meat

                                            We would be better off eating less, it would also be better for the animals and the planet


                                              ^actually chicken and seafood are not as dangerous to the planet as eating beef. Beef is 20x more polluting..

                                              meteor hammer

                                                theres a reason to be a vegetarian. its strictly a utilitarian perspective

                                                it takes a lot more resources to produce meat from vegetarian animals than just eat vegetables. If everyone ate only vegetables there would be a lot less resources spent on food overall, which would result in less pollution and other good things i guess

                                                but its never going to fucking happen in this world, that everyone is vegetarian. so u can be the change u want to be only, but gl getting enough people to follow you that it makes a difference


                                                  ^god no, for many people,
                                                  MEAT IS EQUAL TO PLEASURE


                                                    more resource on eating meat? dude come on. there is a major food crisis in the world. more than 7 billion people relying solely on vegetables? agriculture sector isnt adequate to feed all these people.

                                                    the amount of protein provided by meat is more than any vegetable. its baout cost and benfit not jus tho w much resource spent on pultry

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                                                      i love steak too much.

                                                      should we start policing the animal world as well? kill lions for murdering those poor gazelles

                                                      meteor hammer

                                                        more resource on eating meat? dude come on. there is a major food crisis in the world. more than 7 billion people relying solely on vegetables? agriculture sector isnt adequate to feed all these people.

                                                        i just mean on a literal level if you eat a chicken in the course of that chickens life it ate a bunch of cornstock, metabolized it all and spent most of the energy doing chicken things, and then was eaten

                                                        wheras if you could cut the middleman out and just eat the cornstock it would be more energy efficient

                                                        every time energy goes from one state to another, part of it turns into non-useful heat or other stuff. By eating at the lowest level of the food chain you cut a lot of wastage out

                                                        ofc im not a vegetarian, i eat a shitton of meat

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                                                          cost benfit. you are just counting loss of energy as we rise in food chain and not how much a gram of meat bring to table for the nutritious need of human. you need vegetables and meat. and as i said if we are dependent solely on vegetables then prices will sky rocket as there isnt enough to feed all

                                                          Yes some animals do tend to hog up more resource than they provide plus their rearing is way more polluting than others.
                                                          beef is one of those things

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                                                            more dependency on vegetables will force govts to spend tons on improving and aquiring new lands for agriculture. more use of fertiliser leading to salinization of land. less productivity so for long term it holds catastrophic consequences.

                                                            there is reason why predators like wolves and tigers are called keystone species in a natural habitat

                                                            meteor hammer

                                                              ya u have some good points

                                                              and ur right that a lot of vegetarians have fucked up nutrition deficiencies. humans are made to consume meat


                                                                why eat the corn when you can just cut the middleman and eat the dirt and get your own damn nutrients

                                                                very good csgo player
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                                                                  meteor hammer

                                                                    why eat dirt when you can just cut the middleman [sic] and starve to death and become dirt

                                                                    very good csgo player

                                                                      Why not cut the middleman (death) and live forever with no food


                                                                        Humans were actually inherently herbivores, in old times, people eat vegetables all the time but sometimes eat meat when vegetables were'nt abundant.
                                                                        But now in modern times,
                                                                        People are goddamn carnivorous, they will still prefer to eat meat even when there are lots of vegetables


                                                                          that's called omnivores, humans are naturally omniwh0res who'd do anything to survive.

                                                                          pure herbivore ancrestors weren't humans, but ape like creatures hundreds of millions of years ago.


                                                                            No they weren't, hunting has been the oldest method of food attainment. Growing crops is a later discovery. Besides each food is necessary for a proper functioning person.


                                                                              go vegan

                                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                                ^Wrong, foraging predates hunting and consumption of meat.


                                                                                  @op if you and I live together with a food shortage, I would kill you for food any day of the week.


                                                                                    What about all you vegans causing deforestation? You should guilty. Also have you ever seen a mountain cat hang a fresh carcass from a tree? Now that is somewhat disturbing. But hey, he isn't bothering me about the way I eat my food. So I going to leave him alone about the way he eats his...

                                                                                    How valid is that theory? If humans evolved from Apes/Monkeys, where are all of the half-witted cavemen that haven't evolved, yet? There is a clear difference. Monkeys and Apes and then there are humans.

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                                                                                      No hard feelings.


                                                                                        vegans don't eat fucking trees, humans aren't giraffes to eat leaves off trees

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                                                                                          Basically, Veganism and vegetarianism are remnants of religion and are extremely stupid.
                                                                                          In short, if you think you are saving any animals you are extremely ignorant.
                                                                                          If you use anything that humans make like clothes, houses electricity or money you kill animals.
                                                                                          just becuase you dont eat them dosnt mean you dont kill them in other ways.
                                                                                          For example, Using a PC to play dota is probably equal to killing about 1000 cows.

                                                                                          animals can never learn languages, becuase they dont have brains like us humans.
                                                                                          Hence people find it morally ok to kill them.

                                                                                          There is something to be said about eating more greens tho since eating just meat all day every day makes you die ^^
                                                                                          Thats the only reason to talk about this nonsense.


                                                                                            If you would go to a rainforest and looked around about 50-55% of the land is small edible plants. (Don't eat the poisonous ones. It is bad for your heart rate.)




                                                                                                I am pretty sure that animals have brains. Not just us, humans.


                                                                                                How do you commend a comment/post or picture, because if I could I would commend the picture above.

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                                                                                                  You destroy forests to grow more crops, but it's more of a over population problem than vegetarianism issue.


                                                                                                    they do have brains, but not with the parts needed for learning language.
                                                                                                    This is why no animal ever has learned language.


                                                                                                      Is this why we never butcher Apes/Monkeys, because they can learn language? Also why did they make it illegal to even harm sea squid? They cannot learn language, why is that?

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                                                                                                        Technically speaking
                                                                                                        Evolution of Humans
                                                                                                        Herbivores then became omnivores then split into 2 factions, The carnivores and vegetarians