General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about Viper

Question about Viper in General Discussion
Kenny Dope

    Hey guys I have some questions about Viper. I've been thinking to add him to my hero pool, I know this hero is quite legit with >50% winrate and pros seldom use this hero as well. My question are
    1. Is he a situational pick or can be first picked? (When or when not to pick him)
    2. Does he has set item build? If so what is his best item build? ( for example, generally people will build bf to manta to basher on am or sb echo on slark)

    rain markcawat

      Midas aghs travel

      Fee Too Pee

        first pick is not that punishing with viper , viper is like jugger.

        boots > Aquila > Wand > Pike > mael > whatever


          I dont know why people are obsessed with midas

          rain markcawat

            Midas give $$$$$$$

            Story Time

              ^and yet pros buy midas solely for experience.

              Yung Beethoven

                i play viper at the moment pretty often, since he reks almost every mid. With some mids he can only trade farm.

                I usually go for: aquilla, brown boots, midas, phase, Forcestaff, dragonlance, hurricane, Linkens (if linkens is not viable -> Skadi), mkb, skadi or butterfly.

                i wouldnt first pick him, but he can be picked as 3rd hero.

                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                Dire Wolf

                  You can first pick viper. You can go any lane with him. Play him as a carry right clicker. Viper sucks at farming so you want to rush mjollnir. Then he will be good at farming, and with nethertoxin he destroys towers and with the poison spit affecting buildings talent he slows them down a ton too to make pushes easy.

                  I'd go treads, dragon lance, aquila, mjollnir, finish pike. After that it's situational. Butterfly and AC for full on right clicker, but you may need skadi, linkens or heart for defense. s&y or manta are good mid game items that are kind of defensive like if you don't have time to farm up full skadi or something go for s&y. Bloodthorne is very good too.


                    too many people forget bkb on viper

                    Dire Wolf

                      bkb on viper? Rarely needed, he has built in extra magic resist so nukers don't hurt as much, and he's ranged so you can't kite his dmg as badly as like a sven or something. It'd be like getting bkb on drow or sniper, needed once in a while but never core.


                        i dont think you need to rush the mjolner, just getting maelstrom is enough to speed up his farm. i usualy go treads, pike, mael, sny, BoT, satanic, then whatever else the game calls for and sometimes skipping sny and BoT if I need this item earlier.

                        The reason i like sny is because it allows viper to be more mobile while also giving damage and survivability. Generally for viper I would reccomend hybrid damage and survivability items.


                          i wouldn't fp viper because it gives away the mid lane (sb ganks can mess up a viper).

                          brown boots viper is just awful (your base ms is 285, you'll never get to orb walk without phase boots).

                          the usual wand aquila come next.

                          mael is a waste on viper. If your plan is to farm for 30 mins then you're likely playing the hero wrong because most carries will outcarry you late game. focus more on team fights, getting kills, and dominating early-mid game and creating space for your hc.

                          The item that boosts your mid game (and fixes the low movespeed) is SNY (and pike, but I prefer SNY).

                          After that it's all situational and can be a mix of manta, MKB, butterfly, etc.

                          And PLEASE harass your lane with poison.

                          I get SnY as first item, which adds some much needed ms.


                            I think solar crest is super legit on viper
                            I would get maelstrom then solar crest

                            Dire Wolf

                              That's not true at all, viper is a very legit late game carry. Nethertoxin does tons of dmg and he has that 20 armor talent and a 16 agility talent. He does a lot of dmg at 25 and is tanky without going all tank items. Carry viper can go mjollnir, pike, treads, butter, ac, daedulus and have a crapton of armor and tremendous dmg.

                              Kenny Dope

                                Allright guys thank you for the responses I think I have the general idea with Viper. So first picking isnt really a big issue with him and the core items to go are ones that fix his mobility issue such as sny and pike (I just realize that his starting ms is 285 damn)


                                  Get halberd sometimes


                                    Mjolnir on viper sounds wrong


                                      why the hero lacks any aoe and doesnt farm particularly fast and likes extra attack speed especially earlier on. Imo it's his only core item besides pike.


                                        I also wouldn't build mjolnir necessarily and honestly feel that like weak choice,might pick up very rarely and very early as fighting midas (help farm help fight) generally vs squishy lineups


                                          why wouldnt you maelstrom? it gives you attack speed and damage and doesnt cost much more then midas, improves your weak farming

                                          or you could just go to dotabuff hero guide section and see that mjöllnir is built in about half of all the guides, either that or midas

                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                            BKB can be absolutely amazing on him. He's pretty much unkillable with a bkb at 25mins.


                                              why does viper need attack speed and farming speed?


                                                attack speed makes you hit faster so you kill stuff faster with more toxin stacks

                                                farming speed makes you farm faster and you get more items in case you cant end the game before minute 30 and become a ranged creep with an ultimate


                                                  Obviously he is a situational pick as there are many hard-counters to Viper. In general, you should not pick Viper into escaping or illusion enemy. Viper is single-targetting and has no innate mobility.

                                                  As for items, Shadow Blade and Dragon Lance are technically core on Viper. They are good in most match up can bolster Viper's capabilities well. Everything else is situational.


                                                    Sb isn't core
                                                    The only core is dlance
                                                    The rest is situational, viper can build super aggressive or defensive and his build can vary immensely.