General Discussion

General DiscussionRaise mmr TBD?

Raise mmr TBD? in General Discussion
Maricel mommy ni emorej

    How do i fuckn get VHS im in HS now so Any suggestion?


      Hs is fine dude as getting vhs wont matter, cause of 3.5k max mmr calibration

      Maricel mommy ni emorej

        But my friend get 4,1k?


          Can you please post the link of your friend's profile?
          Otherwise i will make a new account and see for myself if 3.5k is still the max


            lol he's probably talking about int ranked.


              stop smurfing bro

              Maricel mommy ni emorej

                When is the update? 3.5k max calibrate?

                Maricel mommy ni emorej

                  I just did sold my acc
                  I do regret.


                    3,561 mmr...

                    зачем я начал поиск

                      Hero damage
                      Hero healing

                      That's it

                      Idk, how you can NOT GET VHS

                      VHS is like a cutoff for borderline dogshit-lower-decent.

                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                        Just spam meepo dude, you'll get vhs in no time since you will average at least 700-800 gpm and xpm per game

                        Maricel mommy ni emorej

                          Its Party mmr Mr Abbys


                            Spam heroes that can get high gpm and xpm like invo or meepo(even jungle)
                            Honestly thats what i did even with shitty kda