General Discussion

General DiscussionABout Broodmother

ABout Broodmother in General Discussion

    since Id love to learn alot this hero for first pick material and offlaner i have some qustion
    1. Is she first pick material ?
    2. What i need to do when they pick hard counter *ie : Ember mid , Lc offlane , Es 4 pos , WW , Sven
    3.Item Progression
    4. What i should do when i got pressured hard (constantly ganked by 3 or more enemies ) and for some reason my team dindt push the other lane

    any suggestion is fine
    thanks anyway


      Brood is a weak hero, go watch bip on twitch and you will see how he plays, he generally tends to end game in 15minutes by playing brood.


        I've practiced safelane vs offlane 1v1 with alice with him picking brood and me picking his typical counters
        He didn't really win the practice, but abusing mobility and playing around their detection is kinda the key to winning the lane


          Mostly i won the early game but when mid game come they start 5 manning me some how my team wont push out the another lane , this kind of situation i mostly hate when playing brood

          mr. rabbit

            1. only if ur good at her, and its really hard to be good at her i really dont recommend this hero to anyone unless u rly like her for some reason
            2. depends, ES isnt really a counter because u just build orchid and kill him, before orchid you should bait his fissure with spiderites so hes forced to fissure them then u can go bite him to death with ult + spiderlings. always engage ES with spiders first, you dont want to be slammed with his W then get ulti'd by him

            most counters can be outplayed with orchid but there are some (bb, sven) that cant, for them you have to be able to farm faster than them then kill them 1v1 without bringing ur spiders with u

            one tip to succeed in outfarming them is to constantly creep skip from level 4 onward, harass the sven/bb with Q then cut their wave with spiders (remember to only Q the ranged creeps), if their support comes kill him, this way he's almost always forced to tank waves and since ur spamming ur Q on him he'll always be at low-mid hp, then u can try to kill them once u got ur ult + lv 4 Q

            3. get tp mango clarity tango sentries at start, tp immediately to offlane rune then place a web then attempt to steal it. after that u rush soul ring into orchid into phase into bkb/solar crest/deso then get ac/bloodthorn/moonshard for late game

            4. if ur getting camped in lane play it really safely, just sit on top of trees near the sideshop then spawn spiderlings from a safe distance. also u can build a lot of spiders by denying your own creeps which makes ur farming life under tower so much fucking easier. once youve built an exp/gold lead + spiders you can start chipping away on their support's hp, but dont feed too much spiders (dodge lion Q or something)

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            mr. rabbit

              Mostly i won the early game but when mid game come they start 5 manning me some how my team wont push out the another lane , this kind of situation i mostly hate when playing brood

              then farm their jungle, you cant always just lane so spread ur webs across their jungle then buy your own wards (really important). ward key spots then once you see them coming to you just famr their jungle and creep skip with the spider babies you have if possible. the main point of brood is to waste your opponent's time and farm their resources. you dont rly have to fight them and 1v5 (thats just not possible)


                didt it really worth to try steal their rune? since they mostly bring a sent vs brood even in 3k

                mr. rabbit

                  thats the point, if they buy a sentry at lv 1 only to plant it at rune spot that means you'll be able to have an easy lane for 5 or so mins because they have no detection

                  and if they dont do it they lose the rune. its a win-win situation

                  the moment u see them plant a sentry you GTFO IMMEDIATELY because youve already wasted their resources

                  OH and also a lesser known tip is that u can use ur tango on sentries during their fade time, you dont really need to use ur own sentry to deward, if u see the support plant a sentry USE UR TANGO ON IT IMMEDIATELY this tilts people most of the time

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                    thanks for your suggestion pyontan


                      He's the "alice" I was refering to btw
                      Also nice apm can't snatch rune from me 🌚

                      mr. rabbit

                        i suck at clicking btw hahAA


                          Cutting creepwave is one way to deal with counters. Get sentries if they buy sentry. Your job is to create space as much as possible while your team farm on the other side of the map. Always flame if they come with you


                            sentries have fade time??

                            Yung Beethoven

                              Sentries dont have fade time.
                              If you dont have invis detection yourself you cant see them being placed.

                              1. Surely not. She got too much counters.
                              2. Either swap the lanes or play more passivly (dont contest the lane as hard as you normally do) try to use their jungle. NEVER attack with your broodlings and broodmother at the same time, otherwise they will just throw spells on you. Stay with broodmother inside the trees and just throw your 1st skill for more spiderlings. Lasthit with spiderlings.

                              3. I normally buy these items. Soulring, brown boots, (midas) orchid, phaseboots, echo, bkb/deso/bloodthorn etc.

                              4. Ask them to push. There is no way around it. Ask them to fight, when you know 2 ppl are at you.

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                              зачем я начал поиск


                                1. No.
                                2. Ember isn't a hard counter. ES 4 pos is a super weak counter (literal creep with likely 0 impact). WW is a weak counter.
                                3. Too many options. No consensus.
                                4. Feed and stay afk.

                                Idk, is it really so hard to look at replays from good Brood spammers?

                                These threads are getting super-retarded.

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                                  For es i suggest building bkb and orchid, he literally cant do anything but use rolling boulder and magnetize on you.


                                    For early game, his rolling boulder has 16 second cd, remember that his rolling boulder has 0.6 second delay, es also has one of the lowest xpm per minute, his silence will only be level 1 while you are lvl 12, and be wary of boulder smash though as he can kick you towards his allies.


                                      Its also hard for es to roll onto you because of your high ms


                                        what a boring hero

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                                          The only actually valueable tip I can give is to split up the brood in 2 control groups.

                                          Use your brain to understand why.

                                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                            Brood is good against good enemy line up w/o AOE spell but she is weak compare to other popular hero nowadays.

                                            Her broodlings is a food to those AOE hero. LC, Dark Seer, Alchemist can feast on them.

                                            My suggestion is pick the current popular heroes. Jugg, Sven, Spec, or Luna are simple to play but still very effective.


                                              Spec isnt considered simple to play, shitty turn rate, shitty starting damage, no flash farm capability pre 15 mins, ss got nerfed, relies heavily on supports.

                                              зачем я начал поиск

                                                >Her broodlings is a food to those AOE hero. LC, Dark Seer, Alchemist can feast on them.

                                                ONLY if you have some severe brain abnormalities and can't micro summons at least decently.

                                                How much of mental retardation do you have to suffer from to feed spiders to lane creeps like Alch?

                                                Spray is 20 sec CD, you bait it out w/huge spiders, then attack Alch and kill him @ any level <6.

                                                You will have Radiance/Orchid/Solar and he's a creep until he has Manta.

                                                At that point you just put the summons away and just hit him w/lvl 2 Hunger. If his ulti is on CD, he's fucking dead.

                                                How exactly do you imagine Alchemist being a threat, unless you are retarded and shouldn't be playing Mama in the first place?

                                                He would have to win his lane/freefarm his jungle for a while to be a threat to you, if you're playing Brood right.

                                                If you have brain damage, you will feed all spider and, again, should just not play Brood at all.

                                                Against DS - put webs to cut the wave @ lvl 3-4 and farm the whole creepwave + 2 jungle spots, until you have Orchid @ 8-10 min, go out and kill DS, push down the T1. What the fuck is he going to do?

                                                LC is the only real threat out of all heroes you have mentioned and only on the laning phase.

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