General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to escape low 4K MMR?

How to escape low 4K MMR? in General Discussion

    We allways gonna face all the kinds of players.
    In this game i gave tips to the p.a in what itens build and when go for a team fight or just stay farming and gank someone out of position.
    She followed my tips and stomped the game pretty easily.


      the game i'm talking about...


        Low 4k is fuckibg cancerous, core players there are noobs who cant last hit, i spent like 7 months to get out of that fcking bracket and now if i continue to get retard teammates i might drop again.


          must be so stressful that your mmr is decided by luck of your teammates. lol.


            @through anger
            I wonder who said that LUL


              @jacked yes basically when i escaped from there, i had an extremely lucky day where i had teams that adjusts for each other and seldom had players who ask everybody to adjust for him


                The quicker one realizes that he/she is the common denominator in he's/hers games the quicker he/she can start to work on the one thing they have control over, which is how they play.

                6k7k8k9k's didn't get lucky ques with 4 awesome teammates to get there

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                white boy summer

                  was just continuing the logic of cuki


                    i mean come on guys admiralbulldog is a ti winner and he only plays 2 heroes xD


                      No lol, Bulldog is a type of player who always picks 4-5 heroes that wombo-combo with his team-mates. Anyway, lets go back to the main topic here. The 3k-4k bracket might be cancerous or "profi-wannabe" and imo, that's based on how lucky you are. As I said before, try to decrease the size of your hero-pool, try to play less heroes and you will immediately see the change. I am 100% sure that if you choose only 1 role, your MMR will increase!

                      Fun Fact: I had a friend who calibrated at 2k. He started playing only Techies and jumped to 4k in 5 months. What I'm trying to say is; Being versatile in 2k-4.5k MMR bracket is pure sh*t. You either pick 4-5 heroes and gain MMR or get stuck in there!

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                        I agree with the suggestion of spamming, went from 2k to 4k by spamming Axe and Undying offlane, Nightstalker mid and Alchemist safelane. Technically the roles were different but I have so much sinergy with strenght heroes in general that I was able to overcome the fact that I'm trash at carrying and I don't like going mid that much. Then stopped playing ranked for like 8 months, came back and got stuck at 3.7k. Like you, I was going up to 4k and down again. And one of the reasons was that I had lost track of what heroes I was good at, lost the confidence in playing offlane and just started to play random heroes in every role and I wasn't even enjoying it. Now that I took a moment to think and realized that in pubs my role had slowly switched from offlane to hard support, I started spamming supports in ranked too and went from 3750 to 4039 in like 1 night. Find the role that fits you the most and most of all find heroes you have sinergy with. I like Voker but where the fuck do you think I'm going with that 44% winrate. Gotta accept the fact that I'm bad at farming-dependent heroes and adjust to my own capabilities, you can expand your knowledge of mechanics and other roles in normal without damaging your mmr. I.e. randomed Luna in normal, 1v1 lane, almost uncontested, was 5-1-8 'till mid game and then we lost the game to a late AM. My gpm? 371 LOL, ri-di-cu-lous. Great at fighting, trash at farming. Imagine if it was a ranked game: 0k here I come.

                        Forgot to add that my teammates keep being dogshits almost every game, I got offended 2 minutes in by my Voker for giving him a tango lol. But despite that my mmr raised 'cause I picked the right heroes.

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                          Another example is when I got obsessed over Pudge, but I was so unbelievably bad even my friends would make fun of me, 'good luck hooking all the apples from the trees'. But you know what, played and enjoyed him so much that people called me Dendi in some games, for how good I was. Now that I hardly ever pick him I got worse again. Alchemist winrate when I casually picked him years ago: 20%. Alchemist winrate when I spammed him in ranked, at a much higher level than years before, and was having fun: from 20 to 55%.

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                            @through anger
                            cuki lul


                              Learn how to lasthit. If you do this which usually takes people about 10hours of work.
                              Do nothing but lasthit for 10 hours.
                              oh and buy blademail often.
                              Thats basically the difference between a 4k and a 5k


                                i buy blademail on ember, am i doing fine ?

                                Kay Ay

                                  SPAM your best heroes and use shadow blade as much as possible,4k idiots dont ward or do shit like supporting


                                    Ok, dropped to 4.2, fuck this game


                                      @2 tanggo 1 ward man you keep playing Earth Spirit in ranked, a hero you have 47% wins with and Visage, 37.50% winrate on 8 games. Don't play heroes just because they've become popular if you're not confident with them. I was suggested to spam Bloodseeker, tried it and in my first game I went 0-7 'cause imo fuck carries. You have a high winrate and kda with TA, why not spam her? Or Lifestealer and Luna too if you feel carrying is your role. For supports you have high winrates with Lion and Jakiro. Just focus on heroes you're good with if raising your mmr is what matters the most to you at the moment.


                                        Nah I play visage and earth spirit very well, but i tilt when people force me to play solo supp thats why i have low win rate as them.


                                          I didn't mean you're bad at them, I've never seen you play. But for whatever reason if you're not consistent with those heroes just don't pick them. At 2-3-4k most of the games have only one support and having one is already a miracle. Why pick them with the risk of tilting, unless someone already picked a hard support and you're 100% sure they're gonna do their job.


                                            i could never get why idiots ever try to give advice to someone higher than them, if your advice was actually good you'd be 10k.

                                            I mean like, fine you can talk about how to deal with teammates or how to not tilt

                                            but actual gameplay advice, seriously?

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                                              I try to be polite every game, i would say stuff like "if you have a brain, adjust for the team" rather than saying "retard, dont pick another mid noob"
                                              Believe me, being polite doesnt help at all


                                                Yea being polite helps. Instead of fuck you ako mid or feed

                                                I say yea sure let's mid together :) but let's share cs? Who's getting bottle? Then he abandons. Lol


                                                  And we fucking win the game anyway.




                                                      Mi pro stuck at 992 haHAA
                                                      Mi super good, my Tim hold me bleck haHAA

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                                                      Mlada i Luda

                                                        lol this cuki , commited so hard on that mmr and thats the only thing that makes his life to have sense. only cause you higher mmr means that low mmr players dont know some things in dota better than you? lol, i feel sry but waht you gonna hear now pronanly will make your life miserable you will need something else to make that your life make sense son. you know there thousands of player mabye milions in dota that are lower mmr than you but they actually might know and have way much better skills than you, the fact that they dont commit so hard in mmr cause they have other priorities in life doesnt make you better. you know foccusing that much on finding ways to rise that abstract nubmer which means nothing in real unles you give him an 'abstract worth' from your point of view. like that riki 5k + i saw here, writing like he knows shit about dota lol. sry kido but mmr is not = skill. mmr is = to skill + will + obsesion ect. i play dota for some years and i played also in many game center andi 've known people at all mmr brackets exluding 8k +. and i've seen many 2-3k players that play for fun , all play for fun but i mean they prioritise more fun than mmr, and they play much better than some 5+ that started playing dota recently but they foccus only in mmr , and they spam heroes they know, but in general they dont know even 10% compare to oother guy they dont even know mostly of hero spells exactly. well ican keep going all day with examples and arguments but yo ugot the point son. you probably suck more than half than all 2-3 k players here, and your jsut a duning kruger with a pointls life , and mmr is only point you have. if you commit suicide after reading this idont care rly.


                                                          i bought battle pass in level 1 of a new account.. after how many games i can play international rank?

                                                          Mlada i Luda

                                                            about you blitz . why would you rly wanted to escape from there? whats the point if you thing it deeper? you know i've meet many people at your sitation i know them in real life, my friend was exactly feeling like you. ' this 4k bracket is so shit i need to do something te get out from here and reach 5k' . well close to him was a guy with 5k and he said . 'wtf do you mean man 5k is shit its a disster people are rtarded'. well i think that the problem is not in the bracket yo uare but is on you usually. you giving more value to a thing that in reality doesnt matter that much .


                                                              mafistshit the difference is that mmr is an objective measure of skill, while you have nothing else to support that you think some low mmr ppl are better than 5ks. stop talking lol. retard


                                                                i think you are dumber than 99% of ppl in this world. and i just know this. mafioso=dumb shit. i've seen it, many people who are just smart, and some dumb, and mafioso = just some dumb shit. i've met a lot of ppl over the years, and its just sad that some ppl are just dumb but some smart, and some people study more but they are dumb. and it is all meaningless because mafioso = dumb fucking shit.


                                                                  man trying to replicate the way he thinks is hard.

                                                                  Mlada i Luda

                                                                    xaxaxaxaxaxaxxaxaxaxa... confirmed jacked and cuki same person. ahahahhahahah which makes you kid even more retarded .. go find a life kid stop making conversation with yourself with multiple acc. leave all this forum guys i jsut confirmed my doubts 50% of acc here are cuki (jacked), call him wahtever he rly suffers hard from some mental dissease lol. mmr damaged a lot his brain , as all you can see lol.


                                                                      lol fuck u exposed me. yea cuki = me. also a lot of the posts that call u out for being dumb = created by me. lol im just trolling u bro. u got me


                                                                        yea fuck the whole dotabuff has seen it now, the exact proof that im brain damaged ;( sry

                                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                          Jacked is cuki
                                                                          Jacked is Diox
                                                                          Jacked himself is SEAtards,Dotabuff,WORLD!UNIVERSSSS!!!!

                                                                          Mlada i Luda

                                                                            lol you trolled yourself , you trolled your life retard kid. yeah i made a inteniotnally provoke hiting cuki soft spot and iwas expecting 100 % a agresive insult reaction from jacked, ( acc that cuki uses as a shield), and thats waht exactly happened jakced camme with 3 insulting comments , with 0 arguments and with no point on it lol. cause he lost his mind already rly, if you dont see more comments from cuki ( jacked) here, he might rly had commited suicide. buti dont care i feel good, 1 less retard inthe world only makes world better.


                                                                              ayy fucking evil master mind.


                                                                                evil genius

                                                                                Player 215168758

                                                                                  Why blademail? @sir


                                                                                    i can't read mafisto's comments anymore at all, someone TLdr them for me pls


                                                                                      its basically the same conspiracies. and also theres that conspiracy that we are the same person. and basicaly the same anecdotal stuff and down playing objective and proven relationships with his own experiences and secret knowledge that he cannot prove

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                                                                                      Mlada i Luda

                                                                                        secret knowledge that he cannot prove ' jacked'. while every comment of cuki in topics before is like ' mafioso bring us proves' ' that shit is not proven yet so we dont take itin consideration ' ect ect. hhhahahahahaahahahahahhahahaha... where is the reason on commenting with many acc while you saying same thing everytime ahahahahhahahah srsly someone help this retard kid . wtf do you have parents, family or somone to help you , you looks rly fucked up, how old are you btw?


                                                                                          I've heard people can be cucks, but you have some kind of a masochistic super perversion @Mafisto

                                                                                          Mlada i Luda

                                                                                            ahahhahahhaha, rly stop it its getting dumber and dumber.. jacked ' evil master mind' , ' evil genius'. cuki ' masochistic super perversion'. lol same lanugage again you lsot it completely kido ahahahhaa. btw .. well my nickname 'mafioso' i got it in real life since i was a kid so..


                                                                                              Low 4k is the worst, I get these scrubs often. Dota looks at me 3k, drops a 4k on my team so he can carry us. Instead I have to do the heavy lifting and 4k guy losing their lanes. Just gotta keep grinding and play heroes you are good with, that can carry a game when your "high ranked" player feeds and plays like a 2k.


                                                                                                Also MMR doesn't directly equal skill. It's a measure but not entirely accurate. Some people play unranked and are better than their number says.
                                                                                                I raped some 5k SF mid but lost to a 3.3k Viper mid. And he had way better last hit deny mechanics than the 5k by a long shot.I

                                                                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                                                                  StanceWorks33 10 hours ago
                                                                                                  Also MMR doesn't directly equal skill.... noooooooooo, you cant say that, you not allowed , this can end cuki( jakced) life, he can commit sudoku for that.


                                                                                                    Lmao mafistshitso sounds like he's on drugs