General Discussion

General Discussion@mods.

@mods. in General Discussion

    Can we play/party with mods? :thinking:

    Potato Marshal

      Only if you want to either lose or get banned.

      Président® Salted Butter

        As long as you dont impersonate them 4Head

        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

          i want to play with skim


            I want to play with people who knows BH is not a solo slave

            Président® Salted Butter

              I wonder if this thread is gonna get locked just for asking :thinking:

              doc joferlyn simp

                Yeah, just don't tell them that you're from the forums


                  What if we carried them and become a mod too


                    i dont think playing with me would be much fun, i am not good

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      We have a 2k mod so I don't think mod rights are given because of skill


                        I think playing a game with you would be fun, Skim! But I am also significantly worse at the game than you are :D

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          Yo Skim this is the cool hammer I talked to you about ages ago. How come you don't have something like this?


                            Skim if you are not good at dota what am i. Psst if you are not good you can get free coaching from cookie too xD

                            TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                              Do we have a seatard mod?
                              How to be a mod?
                              Can i be a mod?
                              I can write too, like a mod.
                              Ta. Mod.


                                fREe CoAhcInG frOM coKeies OF heLl!


                                  Cookie is dead


                                    @come hell

                                    im just not a cool mod :<

                                    nah the hammer is for dedicated mods for now. I technically am the Lead Community Manager, so while I also do moderation in the forum, its not my main task.


                                      Lead Community Manager = not a full time mod?
                                      How are you managing this community by anything other than moderation?

                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                        because its just one of those modern job titles


                                          community manager = everything, content creator, customer relations, public relations ...


                                            skim GOD

                                            doc joferlyn simp
