General Discussion

General DiscussionDouble Null on Invoker

Double Null on Invoker in General Discussion

    So yeah, start of with null and 3 branches. Get brown boots, midas. And wait a second. A other freaking null?? But why? And what do I do with that null? I see Sumiya and some other 5k account booster doing that. Someone tell me what we do with the second null and when do I begin to buy the second null.

    Null Talisman

    Potato Marshal

      Mark my words, people are going to be eventually rushing veil on Invoker. Nobody believed me when I said octarine on Abaddon was going to be a thing.


        ^wont ever happen since he need stats but he also need fast midas

        Potato Marshal

          Expect a huge nerf to midas next patch. They already nerfed the item several times in a row, yet now more people than ever are getting it in this meta.

            Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

              @potato marshall. I already buy veil on invoker :) sometimes tho, just for fun.

              Back to the fucking question. Why have most pro players decided to go for the second null? Just watched a miracle clip to see if he does it. And HE DOES. Explain why they are doing this.


                Laning is much more important that it was before
                Simple as that


                  Raw stats , He either build wand or another null . Since the meta now is rushing aghanim . It would be nice to have some extra stats early

                    Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                      Thank you! :) XoXo to dotabuff community


                        I like how you imply invoker as a fucking animal


                          kygo is right sf rekts him at lvl 1 take souls at lvl 3 hes allrdy dead with 2 razes while voker is lvl 2

                          i mean hes only good if u pickup coule sunstrikes and doknt die once in lane try not go their side of map and get 15 16 min agh is the only secure way to win tbh


                            I wondered why the hell the Invokers in my games were getting 2 nulls. Mindlessly following pro players roflmao.




                                U get null for more mana abd damage