General Discussion

General Discussion1K MMR NEED YOUR HELP !!!!

1K MMR NEED YOUR HELP !!!! in General Discussion

    i didnt play dota for like 6 months and cameback this week to keep getting my team down time after time i feel like my reflex become so slow, hardly keep eye on the map and cant even get close to 50lh by 10 on anti mage (he was the fastest hero to me for flash farming) and i keep making stupid after stupid after even dumper decisions WELP ME

    PS: pardon my english lol


      As a 1K player i suggest you to play support for some reasons:
      1. 1K players usualy don't pick support or don't know how to support correctly.
      2. As a supp you can get used to the game much easier, you dont have to be worry about your last hits that much and your mistakes are much more forgivable.


        If you're rusty just play heroes that don't require mechanical skills, and a fucking antimage is basically the opposite


          I saw you recent games. In your 2 lates games your pick was heavily countered by the enemy team :
          You picked AM vs Axe which is one of the best am-counters in the game esp when paired with jakiro and other high burst damage spells.
          In the secode game PL pick was again heavily countered by their picks , Disruptor can disable your mobility spells beside dealing huge AEO damage and troll can chop you down so fast without your illusions.
          So i think that you are picking carry as first or second pick maybe which is wrong or you are not picking the right carry at all even after seeing the enemy team picks. PL pick was so wrong on that game.

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            recommending people to pick support because doesnt matter if you miss last hit you dont get any anyway

            mistakes are not that bad, more forgiveable

            when will people learn, that playing support is 10x harder then carry.

            you need to do so much stuff in the first 5 minutes, and many times its the supports actions that decide if the laning stage goes smoothly or the if the carry will be behind and has to find ways to recover

            people should learn this im sick of clueless supports that ruin lanes


              Yes , supporting is much harder than carrying in a high lvl game. But in a 1K MMR game an average supp player can be more effective than a good carry player esp in a game that already has 4 cores. In the AM game they had : AM, LC, SF,NS in one team! That Lich didn't buy even a single ward.
              I am not saying that supporting is easier but in 1K games can be much easier and much more effective.

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              Feed Master

                well, if you havent play for some time, just get your feel back by playing vs bot. help me all the time.

                i'm agree with YasiSag, not many 1K-early 2K want to be support, but that's not the point to your case here :p


                  just al3eb taw tarja3 kima kont mestenes 9bal.


                    I got out of 1k by spamming warlock/playing captains mode. For captains mode just draft the top 5 hero win rates as shown on the hero leaderboards and ban their counters.

                    Edit: people stop playing captains after 2k though. :(

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                      Its very easy to get back into dota i too took a 6 month break
                      Itll take a couple games but its not that hard
                      Just play simple heroes.


                        You haven't played DOTA for 6 months and when you decided to play again you picked AM one of the hardest heroes to use, what did you expect?


                          damm i didnt know that anti mage would be that hard to play at first i remember being actualy good with him but i never been so wrong in my life lol