General Discussion

General DiscussionVenge carry (pls no)

Venge carry (pls no) in General Discussion
Story Time

    How long some 4k kids will consider venge carry? Alright she has damage and good stats, but no flash farm and too dependent on rightclickers in her team. I can imagine that pro players could possibly build a carry on her, but in lower brackets, it is highly skeptical.

    Please show me venge spammers who play her as carry to prove me wrong!


      Yeah it's retarded, if they wanted a carry right clicker with a stun just pick chaos knight or a sven. Also don't understand people who pick sniper/drow/zeus/weaver, they are all just really weak heroes. Why can't they just pick a jug or a slark or an antimage?

      Potato Marshal

        I hate how carry venges are always on my team. Why can't people just do non-gimmick builds in ranked?

        Story Time

          i think next time i see carry venge i will go PA suppot then :D for LULs

          casual gamer



              But there are times when a Carry VS is good but there's a condition, to have a good lineup and end games early but yeah its not really that good.


                Yeah, carry venge is too unreliable. I play maximum offlane initiator.


                  you would rather have support venge rush midas to buy carry items and not be useless?

                  the only supp venge game i won was when i had sny butterfly shadowblade moonshard and shit like that.

                  like literally based on this logic carry drow is shit too.

                  but carry venge is kinda meh, because she would have her niche and be pretty good at solo safelaning if her range wasnt bullshit bad.

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                    The first hero I got a rampage with, by just casually right-clicking vs the most tanky team even seen on dota. It was the last day of 2014.

                    Aah good old low 2k days.

                    She's not even that bad as a carry anyway, I've seen some legit Venge carries. Problem is that she gets outcarried easily from mid to late game. Would like to see her mid vs heroes who are weak early game, like SF. With stun, armor reduction, damage increase and pretty good attack speed I think she'd be a nightmare in the first stages of the game. Or maybe I just went full retard remembering that 2k rampage.


                      She is not slowest farmer in game, vs is very good as core/utility,its a hero for the playes,since huricane pike released its just even better,perfect item for carry venge.
                      Very good for early-mid game strat especially with drow.



                        Creativity is good

                        Savvy Cat

                          Why do people bring up her ability to not flash farm like cores automatically have one? CK is one of the biggest offenders in the same category; VS at least can break an entire creep wave armor to farm them.

                          And you can build Mjollnir to easily nullify that as well as being a decent right click team fight item overall.


                            vs doesn't farm that slow cuz she has gr8 agi gain and an aoe minus armor
                            she also comes online relatively early, pushes well with her team, is also relatively tanky early on (especially versus ur other ranged carries like drow and weaver), and she scales pretty well into the lategame cuz her talents r so good.
                            vengeance aura means every point of agi has extra dmg value on her, and she has talents like 50 dmg.
                            just go smth like treads Aquila lance and she is already effective, once u work ur way to a sb or bkb, pike upgrade, and butterfly or satanic u become a beast.



                              Zeus top of the winrate
                              Sniper - 51%
                              Drow 51,5%

                              Especially when drow is connected in pick (with mid medusa/sniper/weaver +silencer/venge/venom support), the aura is huge. I have 75% winrate, when drow is in my team. When I have medusa, it is 80%. Out of 70 games.

                              About venge - yea, she sux, unless you have team to finish very quickly and still would prefer other heroes. She is best as utility pos.4.


                                Top of the winrate BELOW 4K, in higher mmrs, they pale in comparison to other carries. Or simply just get countered harder than any other heroes. I would rather have a tinker/sf/ta/storm/ember mid rather than a zeus, id rather have a jug or a slark than a drow, as they benefit from manta/basher better, do more damage and have more escape and more powerful ultimates. Play at least 500 games of drow, and then tell me your winrate with her. Any one can get any winrate with any hero if you have less than 100 games...

                                Savvy Cat

                                  If a pro does it, then it must be viable.


                                    According to this:

                                    Zeus has top winrate as well in 4-5k. Almost 57% - SF has 48%, invo 47%, TA 49%

                                    Drow has 53% in 4-5k. That makes her 13th hero in winrate. That makes her higher than PA, troll, Luna, AM, terror. Slark sits at 46% at 4k bracket.


                                      because slark got nerfed to shit.

                                      od hits him with orb a few times and he dont have mana for pounce+ulti when at 100%.

                                      Ramtin H

                                        Venge is a great carry just some probs make her not be a hard carry
                                        1-No flash farm
                                        2-squishy early game(although she has great stats gain and will be tanky late)
                                        3-MOST IMPORTANT IS THAT SHE NEED A GOOD LINE UP

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          Great with a team drafted around her, in mildly competitive games a VS pick can also serve to fuck up enemy team's draft


                                            @kotato I've done that pa support already


                                              Vs can at least transition into carry in mid game but almost every carry can be countered by bm axe or lc


                                                venge isn't that bad at farming, and even then she pushes towers with the team well
                                                is the buildup something like boots midas treads/phase lance or early Aquila and faster lance?


                                                  You clearly haven't tryed venge carry... cuz if you did you would think otherwise


                                                    VS carry does work depending on the enemy lineup. It's not an autistic thing, sometimes it could work.

                                                    shaquille oatmeal

                                                      "Everything can work" -BigDaddyN0tail

                                                      Kenny Dope

                                                        VS carry could be good if compensated with hard hitting midlaner i'd day, like sf or od

                                                        Story Time

                                                          @Nikki I have done PA support too, when the dagger was long distance... now i would have doubts that pa would work as sup