General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to communicate player who's feeding .

How to communicate player who's feeding . in General Discussion
Captain Heri

    I tried many times not to blame them but sometimes they deserves it . How to communicate player who's feeding in a nice ways .
    and please tell me if I deserve 3k calbration the way I played

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      you can't. they don't trust you too and their drunk and retarded.


        50% chance to stop them by saying stop.

        doc joferlyn simp

          Look Diox! A kindred spirit!


            diox knows how to play dota?

            Captain Heri

              Nahhhh. It will trigger to them to feed more. They act like a boss and blame you its your mistakes.


                you can just told them KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK and they do the opposite
                Who can say where the road goes,
                Where the day flows, only time?
                And who can say if your love grows,
                As your heart chose, only time?
                Who can say why your heart sighs,
                As your live flies, only time?
                And who can say why your heart cries
                when your love lies, only time?
                Who can say when the roads meet,
                That love might be, in your heart?
                and who can say when the day sleeps,
                and the night keeps all your heart?
                Night keeps all your heart.....
                Who can say if your love grows,
                As your heart chose, only time?
                And who can say where the road goes
                Where the day flows, only time?
                Who knows? Only time
                Who knows? Only time


                  don't listen to v n z he's mmr is a lie because he used double down.

                  Palmen aus Plastik

                    it's a required life skill in general, communication, that is. Imagine if your co worker was a top notch wanker and was only slowing you down, but he's required to be in your team by your boss' mandate. How'd you handle that lad? Be mature is all.


                      You dont need to stop them from feeding. All you need to do is carry them.

                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                        @dioxgamingpro why not? Every game where I'm a feeder I try to communicate with my team, saying that I'm really sorry and either that I played horribly this time (if I played badly compared to my usual skills) or that I feel like I queued above my normal skills (if I feel that everyone is much better than me and that i didn't play terribly compare to usual, simply... Everyone is better than mr) and thanks them for being patience with me and tolerating my Feeds

                        Than I goes into the back line and stops trying msking play, and relying on them, asks them if they need something, playing reactionary to their decisions and tries to still being impactful while lowering my profile on the game to not make things worse

                        I am always trying to commute when I'm having a bad game, and I'm sore alot of people too
                        Feeders are humans, they juat simply playing worse than anyone else on the game, there is no reason thry don't want to be helpful and not communicating


                          Read cookies guide. Thank me later


                            Diox used double down and is 1 mmr


                              uhh.. I was talkiing about a different feeder type. :/ why not just stay last and let the professional with high kills and low death go first. or the tank.

                              Jacked according to my calculation, you can't afford a battle pass.


                                Define feeder? For those doinng it on purpose, your only hope is to win it with handicap and mute the player. For those who are "skillfully challenged", would be best to tell him to play safe and to pay attention to the map for missing heroes.


                                  feeding is intentional and retarded enough to walk toward the enemy who is more stronger than him/her and kills you then gains more gold and more advantage to get items and also blind greedy and gets baited then gets killed 10 kill streak avobe lost and feeds 1000-2500 gold to the enemy team.

                                  while warding and dying is waiting for you to go there like a bait so be aware. its not feeding its just being dumb not to ask for help or wait for the enemy to go somewhere so they can't hunt you.


                                    yes I answered his/her question.


                                      You should ask people who played with diox


                                        Depends if it's intentional or unintentional feeding

                                        Best way is to ask them to do something completley random so they dont go and die, like ask then to go ward a safe spot or go stack or farm another lane.

                                        That is for the unintentional feeders.

                                        For intwntional feeders you just mute them and ignore them, nothing in the world would nake them untilt.


                                          15 minutes ago

                                          You should ask people who played with diox

                                          who you talking to?

                                          주 롄양

                                            sad part is when u try to communicate wit em thy think u r being sarcastic and start to feed more

                                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                                              If they really suck then you will have to give instructions to guide them in a non alpha tone
                                              Add a 'pls'
                                              Do anything for ranked

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                I used to make a really bad Russian impression and mic to my teammates, didn't know why would they listen rofl


                                                  get them to do stuff with you.
                                                  "hey (hero name), want to smoke/gank top with me? ez kill"

                                                  doesn't work I guess if you're a dusa/spectre that needs to afk farm. been playing a lot of offlane lately, so I'm adapting more of a "hey lets do stuff to mess with the enemy" approach. helps teammates who are feeding or unsure as to what they should be doing.

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