General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to spam a hero without getting bored

How to spam a hero without getting bored in General Discussion

    it's srsly so bored spamming

    ILC - Lethal Ninja

      le pousti, you think a dentist need to speak BBC english to communicate with patients? why will i be graded in my essay to do dentistry? my first language is not english, only people with good english can study dentistry? dumb people will not be able to understand.

      ILC - Lethal Ninja

        only people thinking so highly of themselvea think higher mmr is better. kiddo will brag about mmr. have you seen a 20 plus years old brag about mmr? omg, seriously, as i said, mmr buy you nothing in rea life. get a life kiddo. and knowledge empowers you, not dota

        ILC - Lethal Ninja

          i will not explain to you further as you are like a bull without understanding the music i play.


            knowledge in using proper english empowers you. Lmfao.


              I'm never gonna get high mmr. I don't spam heros I'm good at. Feels bad man

              Ill be a bad player forevaaaaaa


                "Knowledge in using proper English"

                The irony is strong with this one

                ILC - Lethal Ninja

                  it was just a reply to op. and some dog face will start hurling insults at you, bragging mmr, then some other will join in to insult you, scolding you retards etc. that speaks volume of their upbringing and that also show how old are they.

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                  ILC - Lethal Ninja

                    i don't speak good english. from young i don't speak english, i speak cantonese st home, i speak mandarin in primary school,and i speak malay in secondary school and i speak english in high school and uni. i don't need to show how good isy english in playing dota. those who wants to insult how bad is my english, go ahead.


                      @ilc dude learn to ignore shit like these. It's internet ffs

                      mentally handicapped

                        if a uni doesnt give special care to its student's education on virtually a global language then that uni doesnt deserve to be on the top 5

                        if youre so mature as well, why do you continue to bicker with them? a mature dentist like you who knows that "knowledge empowers you" should be able to control himself well enough to avoid digressing to other peoples' supposedly lower emotional capacity and shittier "upbringing"

                        maybe youre not as mature as you thought, old man

                        ILC - Lethal Ninja

                          you are right ggwp.
                          it's hard to engage in civil discussion in open forum. glad to know there are civilized people like you here

                          ILC - Lethal Ninja

                            le pousti, dentist don't work with mouth. they work with a pair of hands. if that still cannot instil that little understanding
                            into your mind.

                            mentally handicapped

                              and communicating your prescriptions/consulations/talking well to your patients is vital to your trade as a man of health. if you speak shit english then how will you guide your patients??

                              english is not my first language as well, but i dont use that as an excuse to write sentences like a fucking 8 year old. i use cebuano at home, english and filipino in school. but you dont see me yapping broken english like a kid, do you?


                                dentist need to work with their minds too. but u have no brain. lel

                                ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                  le pousti, you seriously have problem understanding this. i treat patient who speak like me, people here don't speak bbc english. why do i need to speak perfect english to communicate with them? most
                                  of them don't even speak english to begin with!

                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                  ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                    jacked, anything you wish to say

                                    mentally handicapped

                                      ofcourse everyone with a different opinion than you have is a bad person and their actions "speak volume of their upbringing". and the one person who agrees with you is a civilized person. maybe you should talk to 50 year olds if youre too onion-skinned to handle a little trasktalk

                                      what did you expect from a videogame forum you genius


                                        ^Maybe in his country people speak their mother tongue. Which isn't English.
                                        Btw his English is good enough to be understood by a non autistic human being. For example people on this forum had been understanding what he wrote pretty well albeit English wasn't their first language

                                        ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                          since when i said they are bad when they have differing opinion. people who hurl insults are bad. i'm not expecting anything. i'm just replying to bad people.


                                            the highly intelligent dentist who works with his hands has no appetite for logical discussion. i guess they dont teach you critical thinking at dental school. he consistently has nothing to prove, or refuses to speak with children. hehehe


                                              grow up mr mature dentist. insults are part of mature discussions in any forum. even parliament

                                              ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                jacked, i have already explained my rationale and reasons in another thread. not going to reply anything here anymore.

                                                mentally handicapped

                                                  theres so much contradiction jesus. youre a paradox inside an enigma wrapped in mystery locked in a puzzle sent from the mists of anonymity

                                                  not in the good way


                                                    yeah, and then you just stop. and u dont engage anything further. u dont contemplate, or think. everyone thinks u have no brain. then the insults come. lul maybe if you're actually smart you'd know this.

                                                    mentally handicapped

                                                      not going to reply anything here anymore.

                                                      ill hold you to your word, o wise and sensible 30+ year old dentist who came from top 5 uni

                                                      mentally handicapped

                                                        we're not assholes, we're trolls. maybe youve never thought of this but you have to do something troll-wrothy to actually get trolled. maybe one day youll understand that and stop hiding inside your closed and locked box of ignorance and arrogance

                                                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                          I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE MORPH


                                                            Yo jacked for your next survey try associating EI with mmr. You can actually get some good idea


                                                              lol, ILC - EVIL DENTIST

                                                              who says high mmr dude cant be highly educated and well off?

                                                              only people with low self esteem like you have the tendency to write off others and try to dissuade others from great things, and everything you speak come from the perspective that you are highly superior in "real life" and so all superiority in Dota 2, the game you like, are belittled by your sense of superiority in "real life".

                                                              i have 5 reports to use

                                                                You need some autism to enjoy spamming a hero

                                                                A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                                                                  <<Arc warden spammer in rank are the best<3

                                                                  His MAJESTY

                                                                    @Donfarnk i am wannabe u bro XD


                                                                      mix it up with other heroes to stop getting bored.


                                                                        -expresses his opinion
                                                                        -someone else disagrees, strengthened by logical thinking
                                                                        -"i have nothing to prove here"
                                                                        "everyone is entitled to their own opinion"
                                                                        "im so good irl"
                                                                        "[passive agressive nonsenses]"
                                                                        "quit gaming sir" while spending 8 hours a day on the game


                                                                          use international ranked

                                                                          spam your mmr rasing hero in ranked. when u get bored play a fun hero in international ranked. by the end of august you will have your main mmr with 3.5 months of your best hero and a 2nd mmr option which could be better


                                                                            don't get bored.

                                                                            just play around and show them your God.