General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurfs ebola

Smurfs ebola in General Discussion
Swap Commends

    All failed smurfs/sold/boosted accounts with sub 50% win rate fall into 3k bracket & dragging ppl down.
    YES ! They drag u down.
    Still Volvo has no plan to counter them.
    I dodged 3 games (saved 75 mmr) still I see them in many games.
    How to deal with this ebola ????


      I am fine


        Yeah, smurfers are just people who instantlock slark and they do shit with them.

        But I don't find it hard to carry their ass. Most of the time, they know what they're doing in the 3k bracket.

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          Swap Commends

            So u guys posting memes never encountered a smurf game ruiner yourself ?
            I don't think so.


              I dont mind when a level 3 account is on my team as long as they don't talk shit on mic if were losing.

              If you see them instalock slark or w/e just get a support that works with their hero, they probably spam it every game.

              Swap Commends

                I see u don't get the point.
                Hero spamming is not the issue here but the lack of playing gud,having win rate below 50%,losing a lot of games with lowest impact & highest feed rate in team.
                Not saying they always make u lose,but its hard to win when they are in team,worse if they appear in stacks.
                I still see no reason why ppl like us have to play with low level accounts with huge loses.Not to mention u can now calibrate from lower level by owning a compedium shit.
                The logic is just flawed.


                  i missed ur old photo i am fine :(


                    Stop playing if you cannnot endure shithead. End of discussion.

                    Swap Commends

                      ^ 42% win rate failed smurf,most heroes sub 50%.
                      Actually u are the reason I am losing,u are holding me back.
                      Leave dota2 scrub.


                        I missws ur old photo I am fine :(


                          Or you can just git gud and carry their sorry asses.

                          It's not hard mate. Especially in your bracket.

                          Blaming others gets you no where in the game. If I could blame my teammates for every lose that I got, I would have like 10k MMR right now to cover my own mistakes. Suck it, you're probably losing your games that you have made.

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                            A flamer and an idiot player is worse than a nice smurf. As long as he doesnt talk shit or blame,I'm good with him.

                            Al Bundy

                              You have 50 % winrate and you complain?
                              Not like you the hot shit number 1 out there.
                              Carry your team 1 v 5 if you are that good man.
                              You can bitch with 60 % general winrate in vhs with smurfs but not if you are on the average scale of things.
                              3k you can carry 90 % of games while 10 are lost at start through matchmaking about 40 % of those 50 are comeback victorys you have to win for the team.
                              You cant do it dont complain man.
                              Thats dota.

                              You got a winrate of 46 % with your most played heroe pudge.
                              As i have played quite a few 3k games with shitty pudges maybe you are the poison?

                              I cant even tell you how many games we lost through a totally retarded pudge last picking who couldnt hook for shit.
                              Also you think 3k smurfs are bad?
                              Try 4k much more smurfs who usually have 1.2k or less prior to buying a account.

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                                I missed I am fine's old photo :(

                                Al Bundy

                                  Even if you win
                                  You got no game impact at all.
                                  You got carried by your team even though you had decent farm.
                                  Also never i mean literally never ever go threads on life he needs phase or bots for chase down/escape.

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                                    Just won a game with a smurf. So it's clearly not the smurf's fault that you have no game impact.

                                    We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                      I have supported many shitty carry's. I think you belong in your bracket. KappaPride


                                        smurfs do lower the quality of matchmaking but they're not the reason why you're being dragged down

                                        it's even more likely for a shit smurf to be on the enemy team

                                        LIZA SOBERANO

                                          @cal . what is your mmr? Seems so goods at stats ah. But still normal? How?

                                          Swap Commends

                                            I hate smurfs yet low smurfs comment on my thread.Me wutface.
                                            @JoEn 纸
                                            U are the reason I lose,NS smurf.Nice sd games man :)))
                                            @[420]Benelovent Saint of ...
                                            typical games u got carried by team.See ? I can find them them too.
                                            Besides find the last rank game I played pudge.

                                            The problem is u guys are smurfs Bcuz u afraid,u scare (& u can't) climb ur main.Yet u post pointless comments which leads no where.
                                            Even a NS guy can spoil ur fake HS/VHS games where u do nothing at all.
                                            U smurfs are the reason mains are losing,u are smurf ebola.
                                            You are cancer

                                            I don't enjoy games when I beat down smurfs on enemy team either.
                                            They can be in TEAMS,mine or yours is not the issue

                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                              i miss ur old photo I am fine :(


                                                yey so I can post here op since im constantly winning? one advice though.. embrace the thing u hate the most and try smurfing.. on no time u would be like me 3k scrub who went to 4k due to smurf and shit on 3k after months on vhs


                                                  but I thinj ur attitude in playing is the thing that's holding u back.. see the wordcloud of my smurf on yasp and all there are positive.. losing is part of the game and its better to lose calmly than losing the game salty


                                                    I don't believe in human limitation, but if you can't accept the fact that you're garbage at the game currently, then you will never get higher.

                                                    Here's how NS smurfing into VHS works.

                                                    NS makes new account.
                                                    Plays 1 game.
                                                    Back in NS, cause that's the level he plays at.


                                                      lol and im 3.3k before making 5 vhs acc :3

                                                      Swap Commends

                                                        @Neko Gamer Soul
                                                        You are supporting my main idea here.
                                                        So what's the problem m8?

                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                          I am fine can I borrow ur account and ill do the favor on giving u ez 500 mmr


                                                            ill give u the benefit of the doubt by giving u one 4k and try playing there.. u might fit in

                                                            LIZA SOBERANO

                                                              Cal. :) can i have 1? Haha


                                                                Did my comment hit you? Sorry man you're so vulnerable.


                                                                  Bad luck u didnt meet me, i 1v9 all games


                                                                    Lol. Must suck always 1v9ing. Nearly all of my games range between 1v0 and 2v3. (And half of the time I'm not even one of the players that count).

                                                                    Stark the Slark Master

                                                                      Normal skilled guy :-) RIP i am fine :-)

                                                                      Swap Commends

                                                                        ^ 40% win rate smurf 40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf40% win rate smurf

                                                                        Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                          normal skill autism strikes again




                                                                              Swap Commends

                                                                                When sub 50% wr smurfs comment & u wutface :||


                                                                                  there are times that higher leveled ones feed the game XD i smurfed cause its easier to win quests there


                                                                                    i missed ur old photo i am fine :(


                                                                                      Smurf in ns?
                                                                                      Its not smurf dude


                                                                                        what about 79% winrate smurf? kappa


                                                                                          He's just mentally ill. No I didn't support ur argument either. If anything I debunked it

                                                                                          Visita Hari Danta

                                                                                            I feed the oposite team, i'm a bad player, i can't even have a decent farm, but what's holding me back is my team8's cuz they're all smurfs. Kappa


                                                                                              its funny to see echo sabre on every hero and ppl think its good .... especially brilliant !!
                                                                                              opps sry , normal skill... keep it up , echo sabre is best ~

                                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                Having fun at smurf with my 4.5k weaver. Ofc I don't care about win rate and always say to my team that I will lose game if they will be toxic retards.

                                                                                                Marco ♪♫

                                                                                                  I knew they were trouble when they logged in.

                                                                                                  The ItaJob

                                                                                                    Smurfs are cancer of this game.


                                                                                                      yah but atleast i get to play with 7ks <3