General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm sad because valve have me a chance and I blew it.

I'm sad because valve have me a chance and I blew it. in General Discussion

    For the most part I was in 3.2k average games. Then I believe I got good kda in game 7 and 8 as slardar, and my 9th calibration game valve put me in 3.3k+. I thought ez I'll just pick Sven. But I blew so hard lol. Like 100 plus mmr points shouldn't be THAT much different but I sucked so bad as Sven (a hero I'm usually good on, and who is op currently makes it even worse). I got carried hard that game by ppl better than me and valve knows. Valves like, see I gave u a chance, and u blew it. Back to 3.2k. Sad

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      I blame the fucking lag though.

      mom said it's my turn to ...

        Your profile pic makes me hungry hnnnnnngh


          Bro I knew u were from SEA when u said that