General Discussion

General DiscussionLet's talk about picks.

Let's talk about picks. in General Discussion

    I really want a help on my mmr games, i dont knoww wich heros i'll gonna pick,
    and can someone tell me a way to snowball as legion commander or slark?!
    wich picks are good in low mmr games i nthis patch?


      4 important role
      Right click damge dealer and pusher
      Disable and silnce

      In games see your team picks and try to fill roles that your team lacks
      Gl hf

      Vem Comigo

        Legion = if you go jungle build treads + blink, at 12 minutes alternating medium and hard camp, you get this at 12 minutes, them you want to coordinate pick off with your duel, so you can gain some damage, at the 20 minute mark, you should ave at least 40 duel dmg.

        Slark = his lanning is weak, so ask for help, if you cant farm or are put on a offlane role, go midas first, if not dont go midas, go treads so you can switch to int to cast your spells, and them back to strengh to survive early game, them go for shadow blade ( better than blink 99% of the cases), dont try to kill dmg dealers get the guys that have some hp ( so you can take agi) but low dmg, them you snowball in teamfights, , look at this game, i had a decent early game, but the enemy were wrecking my
        team8s on teamfights, after shadowblade you snowball like crazy, i litteraly fought for 10 minutes inside the enemy base.

        Good picks Sven > all ( his ult makes so that you win teamfights, and push really fast)
        Go treads, lifesteal (not mask of madness, pick the other so you can build a satanic late game ,if your lane is hard them go jungle), echo, crits, blink( only if needed, most of the time your team will have a disable, and in this bracket you dont go yolo to get kills, just go for objectives) ,bkb(you done even need to disassemble the echo, since you will be wrecking the nemy on teamfights).

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        stupid fuck 2000

          Imo at low mmr the best way to get out is to just get good with 1 hero and spam that shit.

          mom said it's my turn to ...

            ^tinker fits the bill really gud


              ty guys i think pushing ability is the best way , i was 900 mmr now 1600 cause of pushing only i don't focus on farm or kills just towers