General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy i'm Vhs bracket at first game with every smurf i create?

Why i'm Vhs bracket at first game with every smurf i create? in General Discussion
Best Treant EU
    Dieses Thema wurde geändert
    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      Because of using the same device you play on your main that must be on vhs bracket, and/or because you're lucky and should buy a lotto ticket with that luck rubbed onto you.


        Uncertainty rating


          @Op - You link accts


            You shouldn't smurf.

            Best Treant EU

              @Tokitobashi yes these are my smurf accounts. I start with vhs every time. at the second account i tried to feed and mess up the game with chen teleport, kotl cliff tele, void chrono my own team, luna feeding with rapiers and so on, but than i ended up in lp due to reports..

              i would really like to have a beginner account to test some things, like arc warden.


                I'm pretty sure one day deboosting accounts will be a legit business.

                I'm also certain that there are 0.5k-1k accounts for sale out there.

                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                  How about go play Vs Bots dude ? Lel


                    lol most of the ppl want to climb or leave normal bracket, and u want the opposite.


                      its just anti smurf algorithm.

                      jesus christ why do people ask this stupid question every time.


                        Sad life indeed

                          Dieser Kommentar wurde gelöscht

                            is this a humble brag? lmao

                            D A D D Y

                              Give me any 1 of those accounts..I want 4k..stuck at 3.6k...max is high in ranked for me....

                              ASSESS Product

                                That mean you deserve to be at that 3.6k
                                If you still want to buy 4k, your mmr will down eventually until reach to your 'real' mmr


                                  Hi sir! Can you let me have just one of your smurf? Please! Thanks! :)


                                    start from 2 k solo mmr now 3,1 k still got normal skill :'v sad life


                                      Hey Op can you exchange accounts, I will create a normal skill account for ya if ya like to ExChange.


                                        3.3k above is high skill
                                        3.7k above is very high skill


                                          How much are low 2k accounts