General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can i play Furion better?

How can i play Furion better? in General Discussion

    I suck playing Furion but i really love the hero because of AdmiralBulldog's octa core build and also i love Furion's voice and model. Any suggestions on how to play Furion at least decent? I'm at 1k mmr so yeah im still a noob but i wanna learn things

    Riguma Borusu

      1) push
      2) don't die
      3) have map awarenes
      4) ez 3k

      Синячий патруль

        1) fap on ur last hit stats
        2) push
        3)fap on ur last hit stats
        4)fap on ur last hit stats
        5)fap on ur last hit stats


          you are not supposed to be ganking / being involved in kills early.
          focus on farm.


            yeah - never leave your cliff to countergank/gank less than 20mins in.


              If your at 1k mmr you probably want to jungle. I try to jungle efficiently and only gank when there's a high percentage of a kill or when a lane gets tower dived. Since you aren't pro you should probably do the same.

              You have to pick/build around the other team a lot. You don't want to fp furion and have them take bh/slark/sb that will make you have a bad day. You can play against these heroes but it's a lot harder. Item build also should change a lot depending on how the other team can deal with push. If you are going to fight more you can consider shadow blade allowing you to play more aggressive. Blink is better for rat if they don't have anything to disable the blink before you can react.

              Wait to see creeps in all 3 lanes before you ulti, don't use your ulti just for gold, ulti on the opposite side that you want to hit.

              Use your treants to scout. They don't do much damage mid-game and you only need a couple to tank creeps. Use your treants to lure the enemy wave away when pushing towers.

              Learn how to rat. Know about the backdoor mechanics and if you see all 5 enemies grouping it's pretty safe to aggressively push the lane that aren't near.

              Double tap sprout, double tap teleport and cross your fingers when all else fails.


                i should consider blink next time because i haven't tried it yet even force staff. i also always go in the jungle but i NEVER cliff jungle because its the worst thing to do as nature's prophet.....thanks for the advice though sirlala

                play for fan

                  @road to oblivion
                  for stupid zeus sake why you speak about ez 3k while your still 2700

                  you said u will leave 2k in a week about a month ago but your stilll 2700

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                  An 18Ft Sloth

                    Just nonstop farm the map where it's safe, and whenever a teamfight breaks out be sure to teleport into the mix. Nothing is more frightening to an enemy team than a Natures Prophet who is active before the 10 minute mark.

                    Also skip the midas in favor of drums if you see the opposition is dominating the lanes.

                    Riguma Borusu

                      "@road to oblivion
                      for stupid zeus sake why you speak about ez 3k while your still 2700
                      you said u will leave 2k in a week about a month ago but your stilll 2700"

                      I most certainly didn't say that a month ago (27th december?) because at that point I was something like 1600 MMR, and more so, I've had some tilt episodes :x I'm kinda getting back into the game a bit tho. Also, furion spammers who know what they're doing are going to get to 3k pretty easily if they build and play reactively.

                      The other thing is, don't talk shit from your smurf.

                      play for fan

                        ^ u promise me to get to 3k in 2 weeks ?
                        or u bet ?

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                          dont afk.

                          Riguma Borusu

                            @Toilet Carl III, maybe, I'll have a particularly hard week @ uni and will have to dedicate some time to my (currently ex) girlfriend a bit unexpectedly, but I might be able to pull it off :x Don't feel like betting though, all I said is that it's likely I will end up in 3k+ in a month, and that was about the first week of january, which is kinda realistic, but doesn't necessarily have to happen, I might as well reach 3k in 3 days (2780 right now, so that's 9 more wins than loses) if I'm well rested , get lucky with teammates, don't tilt, and feel well in general, manage to get my shit together, and actually perform well too.

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                            M. Hanif

                              just 1 i can tell if your mmr 1k. even u have NP's 2rd skill, always bring tp. however, tp just 75 gold. n learn from turney


                                Be active on map, typing for as many kills as you can. Dont be afk farming whole game cause this meta doesnt really allow it.

                                Livin' Real Good

                                  Don't play the hero, ruins games, especially if you're sitting in the jungle weakening lanes while the enemy undying is raping bottom with his teammate in an aggressive dual lane.

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                                    when the enemy group up to try and push, push out another lane so that if your team cannot win the fight, you still get an objective, and you give the team gold. this is much better than jungling while the enemy is pushing, which only gives yourself gold.

                                    however, you don't always want to push out the lanes because it takes away farm from your team, as the lanes are unsafe to farm. farm the lane if no one else goes to them, but don't always take the lane especially if there's a teammate nearby when you could be doing the ancients or jungle camps, and having your treants tank them for you for example.

                                    also, imo you should get phase over treads more often. while it's mostly preference between the two, in your case you never buy escape items, the added speed from phase will help you get away in some cases, plus to get in cast range of sprout for early game kills.

                                    shadow blade is fine for escaping and getting kills but imo there are better choices than going desolator. it does help you push faster but other items will do a similar job but also offer more utility, for example maelstrom/mjollnir. the active of mjollnir can be used to deal significant damage in teamfights when put on a tanky hero.

                                    orchid increases your dps too. maybe not as much as desolator does when against towers, but orchid helps you get pickoffs on the enemy, which then allow you to push, plus if anyone teleports in to defend the tower, it's much easier to kill them solo with an orchid rather than a desolator.

                                    necronomicon also helps push faster, but also decent in teamfights. the necro 3 warrior has true sight, and mana break similar to antimage's, plus damages the killer, and the archer also has a mana drain ability, plus an aura that gives you and your team extra movement and attack speed.

                                    don't forget scythe of vyse in the late game either. it deters the enemy from defending towers because you can solo kill most heroes that try to defend it. it's much easier to kill an enemy who's turned into a sheep for 3.5 seconds than to get more damage and have the person be able to fight back.

                                    if you cant micro treants dont get aghanims scepter, most likely what'll end up happening is you'll feed even more treants to the enemies. also don't just blindly ult whenever it's off cooldown to farm, because it's useful in teamfights and like I said earlier, pushing out all 3 lanes reduces your team's overall farm by stealing their last hits and pushing out the wave to where it would be unsafe for them to farm, and your teammates need items too.


                                      Scout with treeants. Know whos on and not on the map.