General Discussion

General Discussionmidas on alch

midas on alch in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    This is fucking terrible right?


      Yes. He's squishy as fuck and Midas doesn't help him. If you're going farming items, Battle Fury and Radiance are much better because they at least help you fight.


        It is, it delays radiance which makes you farm and come online faster.

        Imo the only hero that should build a midas is invoker for obvious reason and greedy supports that cant flashfarm to gain lvls like AA.


          I like Midas on Drow occasionally because she needs to get her ult levels to fight. And if you're jumped, you're going to die, Midas or not.


            Midas on OD sometimes works too, you really need all levels and stats you can get.

            Dire Wolf

              I like it on doom for ult levels and that's about it. But see a lot of noob alchs going midas then getting like 20 min radiance instead of 12 min radiance


                Midas is good on heroes that need lvls mostly and alche already gets them real fast so it's a pretty terrible item on him honestly.

                Dire Wolf

                  I just wanted to make sure before I flame the shit out of some noobs.

                  Miku Plays

                    lol 5 mins midas on alch then 10 mins bf its gg ez game

                    A waifu a day keeps socie...

                      Midas makes Alch farm slower


                        If you get both 0 min bounty runes maybe, if not then just get a BF or radiance for more farm.

                        the realm's delight

                          yes its pretty bad

                            Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                              in case of gold yes its not needed, the hero has its own fucking midas.
                              in case of exp, its doable (unless you are one of the retards who use midas on small creeps)

                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                Buy midas when u don't know what should u build in early.
                                Save gold.
                                Glhf Millimeter.


                                  it decreases your farm rate, not vice versa. go for midas if you want lower gpm.

                                  plz do

                                    same reasons why am never gets midas.


                                      am fairly sure I'll get flamed for this but I suspect an early Midas increases alchs farm because it allows you to get extra levels in acid and greed sooner I.e. I think it actually pays for itself a lot sooner than other heroes - totally different situation to AM who can only get a decent GPM with BF. Alch can get a great GPM with no items and maxed acid+greed.

                                      I don't think it would slow down your radiance timing at all tbh. Could even sell it once you have the relic.


                                        by lvl9 even if you got an early midas it would have given you something like 0.8 lvls at max


                                          I go Midas on Void/Drow/Pudge (when I stomp)/Shadow Fiend/Invoker.


                                            imo midas is better on heroes that are slower farming cos the midas cd and gold is constant. so the amount of gpm that midas offers is also constant, while items like radiance accelerate your gpm increase.

                                            the way I see it, the constant 190g is better on a 500 gpm chaos knight than a 1000 gpm alch.