General Discussion

General DiscussionAlch mid

Alch mid in General Discussion

    Hey guys, what do u think about alch mid? I tried it on 4.4k and it seems kinda broken but I can't say if it's just cos the enemies suck.
    Phase / PT -> Sny -> Shadow Blade is pretty good, you can get it in 12 min if enemy doesnt block ancients

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      Riguma Borusu

        Much better on radiant side, you can stack ancients easily yourself, and sometimes you should take battlefury if you can farm it up real quick.

        You should gank a bit and then immediately push because with phase bottle battlefury ac you can clear creep waves really quickly and take towers down very quickly as well. I have seen many people get a really good early game as alch only to get outcarried by "real" carries, who scale better and have better stat gains. So utilize your early game wisely, I think, is the most important thing here, and its definitely legit.

        EDIT: well, shit, kitrak covered it all basically

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          Riguma Borusu

            ^well, obviously, by some harder carries. The thing is, by the time that Spectre/Naga gets her radience, and especially if you gank them while they're trying to, you can have Phase, Shadow Blade, AC, Battlefury, because you can farm much faster from the get-go.

            Obviously mid alchemist is NOT going to get outcarried if he keeps farming, ganking and pushing wisely, and organizing his time properly.

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              just got my highest gpm with alch mid too ez


                if you have good aghs carriers on your team you dont get outcarried by better scaling carries.


                  What do u think about lotus orb? I like to pick that up against Bounty hunter with SB since people tend to rely on track and it solves his armor problem.

                  Riguma Borusu

                    Track now sucks anyway and lotus is underwhelming and too situational.


                      tried it
                      i'm horrible at the hero but that shit seems pretty strong
                      the amount of farm is insane and acid spray is stronger than you think

                      what do you guys think about radiance into travels ac something? i think i'd be able to farm it in 11 mins or sooner if i practiced a bit

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                          how do you choose between battle fury and radiance?
                          and when do you get heart? | basically, what does 6-slotted alch look like?

                          Riguma Borusu

                            I've had alchemist give me aghs as legion once, it was kinda hilarious. I duel'd a fed enemy spectre, and we killed her after killing the rest of her team 10 seconds before that. But it did take us 10 fucking seconds to kill the bitch, and I almost died.

                            But yeah, you need somebody to create space for alch to farm, the first 20 minutes are so critical if you want to run over the enemy team. At around 20th minute mark, your team should be so far ahead that nobody in their team can safely farm, and you've already started pushing hard.

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                                you go heart when they have lots of magic and can burst through your regen basically.


                                  ok after i played some games in 5k avg again i think alch is the new sniper. acid spray is like a better shrapnel. you can use one to easily clear and zone out enemy in :00 wave which will push the :30 wave under his tower to easily stack ancients with 1 more spray and get the rune. you dont even need anything besides acid if u keep that routine up.
                                  many people underestimate alch also which is pretty nice. if they go in tower range and get 2 hits from tower and u drop acid they take like 50% hp dmg. i would go for wand if enemy has good gank potential before u can get up sny.


                                    As someone who played a few hundred games of alchem on both smurf and main, i think alchem is very decent at mid. That is the safest bet because alchem falls off late game, around 40+ min he probably cant win most hard carries. So if you run alchem safe lane he must end the game around 30min ish. but if you run him mid, and maybe a gryo safe lane, alchem can go for a lot of tanky/dps builds to ensure a win


                                      what do u think will beat him hardest in mid? i found qop kinda hard first 2-3 levels but after acid spray lvl 2 u can even zone out qop. tbh i dont see anything beating him mid

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                                          Yea he can break even with most mid maybe not against viper etc, because of his greevils greed he can stack ancients/neutrals to help him accelerate farm even if he loses early 5-10 minutes. Well he does outcarry every carry from about 20-30+ minutes depending on your farm,so you must have the momentum right. for example, 13min battlefury, 20min you should have say silver edge bot battlefury and some one more item if you have good momentum. and call for roshan and then push together with team, siege t3 with your aegis and get rax if you win fights.


                                            Meepo feeds on alchi tho.
                                            Also i dont like fury, like mealstrom better. And mjolnir>fury late. Think merlini shared same opinion in his alchi game yesterday.

                                            In be4 matrice says alchi is shit.


                                              Tbh I don't see the need for a farming item. With bottle you can sustain acid spray farming so I prefer to get ac before 20 min and just 5 man. Mjollnir is pretty good in theory after that since the active does a lot of dmg when enemy focuses you.