General Discussion

General Discussionneed some juggernaut tips & build, halp dis noob

need some juggernaut tips & build, halp dis noob in General Discussion

    i've played jugg for 18 matches, and have terrible KDA ratio, gpm, xpm huehue. so may i ask for some help ? i need some tips & build for this hero, and some description for the situational items for reference. thanks before

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      as a position 1 juggernaut, you have two options

      1. weird one - build for your ulty only. it requires phase boots, aghs, desol/mjollnir (or both), bfury. optionally diffusals (against ghosts and omniknight). you can get more than one bfury btw.

      2. normal one - rightclicking build. and here you have a lot of sub-options:

      -6.83 juggernaut - phase/(optional)RoA/MoM/Yasha/Basher/(Sny or Manta)/Skadi/Abyssal/(Blink or SB)
      -oldschool juggernaut - bfury, mjollnir, abyssal, ac, mkb, bkb
      -basically any cther combinations of listed items


        thank you :D
        gonna try it later

        the realm's delight

          actually nvm i forgot u cant watch source 1 replays


            trying to watch 9 month old replay :facepalm:

            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

              Lol even i cant play juggy and I see juggy in opposition team all the time and wonder how they play so good.

              I know I don't know how to play this hero and i face mana issue in initial phases, ult needs to be planned in a nice way.
              Maybe I will also follow up this topic and try to improve my juggy :)

              the realm's delight

                u cant watch those replays or waT?


                  they get expired after 7-8 days you can only watch them if you managed to dl them before they expired. this applies for pub replays, not ti/tournament replays etc

                  the realm's delight

                    oh lol XD


                      There is no real jugg build. Let's say you get some of those items but you didn't get a bkb when you needed one.. u will show up, pop ur ult, and die from stuns / nukes.

                      You need to build according to the situation. Sometimes MoM is good on jugg.. sometimes it's horrible and helm of dominator is better... it all depends on what you need for that particular match

                      If they have a PL consider Battle fury or maelstorm for AOE

                      if they have an ursa go for single target shit like abysal blade / desolator / kinda shit..

                      feel me


                        @mhysa : did you guys win against those 2 pro players ? dang, wp.

                        @Solace : ikr, about the early game mana problem, just grab 2-3 attribute bonus before you reach lvl 6 and magic wand, i tried it and worked. but still fed, lolololol

                        @freethought : yep, that's my problem, im still bad at making decision when it comes to fighting and what item should i get, like MoM or helm of dominator, sange & yasha or manta style, etc

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                          Well hopefully I can give you some advice.

                          Thinking about building MoM or helm? Think about this.

                          If they have a lot of nuke damage... whether it's physical or magic.. for example.. PA.. Lina.. Lion..Shadow fiend..

                          Then MoM is horrible cuz u can turn it on and die instantly..

                          If their damage is not so nuke-ish.. then you can consider it.. But most of the time helm will be a better choice, because
                          A) it builds into satanic
                          B) Gives you armor
                          C) Gives you Damage
                          D) Lets you stack creeps / ancients which is huge.

                          Thinking about building manta? here's what you should consider.
                          Do they have AOE damage dealing heros? for example.. Leshrac, Sven, Antimage with battlefury, Timbersaw,
                          these + more heroes all have AOE dmg, so when u turn on manta, ur illusions are GONE.

                          So in that case you'd get S & Y. If they DO NOT HAVE AOE DAMAGE, then Manta is an option.. cause your enemies are all single target heros and can't easily kill off your illusions.. Get it? :)

                          If they have 2-3 or more stuns you almost automatically need bkb unless u play very passively and use ur ult and then fight after they use their stuns on your teammates..

                          hope this helps


                            must have items are lifesteal and yasha. everything else is situational.

                            just don't get crit because it's doesn't stack well with your build in crit, butterfly or abyssal are way better instead.

                            Jug can farm pretty fast, if you're fed enough you can just farm their jungle and they can't do anything about it. I'd recommend to get as much attack speed as possible, just so you can hit heroes while your in your ult, also more hits means more crits obviously.


                              get dagger of blink


                                these guys are trying to help you with different item builds but they forgot the most important thing: how to use your abilities well.
                                Add me as a friend in steam so i can help you better.
                                hero combos, pros-cons, good/bad Jugger picking, etc.

                                Btw Im the 66th juggernaut player here in the hero rankings, have almost half thousand juggs played.


                                  One thing I can pretty much tell you after the recent changes is to max bladefury as soon as possible due to lower CD, lower mana, higher damage which implies higher kill potential in the early game.

                                  Personally I don't like maxing crit too early and the healing ward, you definitely don't need more than 2 points by lvl 16 in most cases (technically it should heal you for 75% HP at lvl 2 which is enough). Getting some stats by 16 is very good on him.

                                  As far as item build, I still like the MoM but I believe you need another item before that and I don't mean Aquilla (a drum is generally nice).


                                    Add me i can help
                                    i do pro coachng for ~$7usd / hour

                                    Juggernaut 'X'

                                      pro coach? wtf


                                        damn, so many good people here, thank you guys

                                        @FreeThought : yep, it helps, so much, thanks :D

                                        @.Kittyminati : hail kitty, "if you're fed enough you can just farm their jungle and they can't do anything about it." that is the evilest thing i can read today, lololol

                                        @reese : im gonna consider that item if i can dominate the early - mid game, or im gonna blink and feed, and nobody can stop me, the fearless feeder.

                                        @warborn : damn, are you sure ? please, teach me mastah

                                        @skolder : i usually got bad laning phase, 1 lane with another carry, harrased (this is why i took 1 lvl at healing ward early), and another problem

                                        @VG.InZy : no thanks, i politely refuse your offer, cause i dont think that's good idea

                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                          pro coach coming from normal skill is something new to me tbh


                                            ^ Jug is actually pretty good in laning phase, only issue is, you need to get most of the farm and the other lane partner should have a slow to help you net kills. This patch I really enjoy playing jug with ogre on lane, he's pretty tanky, has both a stun and a slow and the really funny part is both of you are melee yet have so much kill potential.


                                              ^ ogre is so op this patch, he has like 8 armor and 500 health with just a few branches, get a stout and you could pretty much just afk in lane aslong as the carry keeps the equilibrium


                                                ^ 500hp? lol, with 1 branch u got 606 son. Learn your lvl 1 stats :P
                                                I don't know why, but I see Ogre like a bouncer. You wanna get some CS? Sorry, you're not on the guest list.


                                                  Lane with Cm. Get ez kills and farm. (works quite well even against undying)