General Discussion

General DiscussionI keep getting low prio Dx

I keep getting low prio Dx in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    Idk, somehow people get really butthurt when i do a 'GG, WP' every time enemy mid gets rekt by me Dx


      its rly bad mannerd. i all chat too but only to comment on notable plays like very close tps and barely getting an ulti off etc.

      obvious troll deserves low prio

      if u play for real / in tournament / 5 man CM just keep your mouth closed in all chat.

      Riguma Borusu

        I instantly lose all of respect for people who spam "ez" or "gg wp" to taunt enemies.

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          GG EZ.

          Giff me Wingman

            looks like the 2 morons get crushed and trolled as well. U mad? Dx

            puni puni butt UWU

              u saying "butthurt", variations of "xD", "gg wp" and "rekt" really makes people think less of u. people think ur a tool and ur immature.

              when i 5 stack ranked with friends we really just dick around and flame in all chat but im sure ur solo qing.

              Giff me Wingman

                girl, fan, 23......

                nothing else has to be added.


                  Same here, I get LP pretty much every 2-4 days, just played 2 matches in LP and I got reported because I didn't play LP games serious and now I went from 3 games back to 5 games, LP just makes me want to quit dota for a while.

                  King of Low Prio

                    Live the low prio life


                      what does this shit - low priority - even stand for
                      never seen it, never been there

                      < blank >

                        I was in Low Prio it wasn't my games but I played with some guys that had Low Prio.

                        Much fun, would play again


                        Riguma Borusu

                          Low Priority is basically the game forcing you to wait a bit more when it comes to queing, and then you play up to 5 games of all random. Not a biggie, really.

                          Also, I never taunt people when I am winning or when I win. I just find it way too childish. I mean obviously if I go 20-1-15 and finish the game at 25 minutes, I CAN write "ez game you suck", but then again, why would I do that? Because just the match after that I can get my ass served to me by someone who wrecks my whole team. And then he'll say that. I think that's stupid.

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                            it was sarcasm, i know what lp is, even tho ive never been there

                            Riguma Borusu

                              ^it's actually hard to tell, but still, I find it odd you've never played LPQ.


                                i scream at my team in french but i still don't get low prio


                                  I havent been in low priority nor muted for months, i did play with a friend to get some ez stats but still lost all fuckin games xD I guess i started to behave like a mature person. What the fuck is happening boys, am i getting too old? :O


                                    how old is too old?


                                      15. Serious pros use "Dx", "butthurt" and "mad" as often as possible and start the game at the age of 5. Max 7.

                                      saving private RTZ

                                        Although it may seem childish, immature, these "taunting" can make enemy team hate on each other. Like if their mid gets ganked and supports didnt TP I say smth:"rofl are supports sleeping?" Or things like that, that can turn them against rest of the team.

                                        also, like taunting "magic ends here" after triple kill + with mana void usually pisses the enemy off


                                          or they just focus down antimage next fight and win :/

                                          Giff me Wingman

                                            It's as Allu said, look at all the angry kids getting mad.

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              I'm 26 and I flame and troll the shit outta people in game, being mature means keeping it in the game. The immature ones start crying and breaking their moms stuff

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                I occasionally go to low priority because I get oversensitive children in my games tho


                                                  Don't you guys see that Blunty Rusky is actually abusing the system?

                                                  He wins mid (or just get first blood). Types in all chat "EZ NOOB MID", then the enemy team agrees, internal pressure which was already high because the opposing mid most likely insta locked that position gets even higher, the team falls apart and then ez game.

                                                  If anything, it's probably your teammates who report you, because they wanted a challenge and you ruined it for them, Kappa.

                                                  puni puni butt UWU

                                                    im pretty sure this is kappa thread

                                                    or op is actually retarded


                                                      But OP is 6.5k mmr and u are 3k mmr.

                                                      puni puni butt UWU

                                                        u dont have to be an smart human being to be good at dota

                                                        sure hes good at dota but he still could be a dumb as fuck person


                                                          He's 1k mmr cause he lost to 1k mmr players once.

                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            Yea most of the ppl here have double digit IQs

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              Allu, actually, the "magic ends here", "magic thyself out of that" and similar taunts are things I find funny. But "gg ez" just sounds like a 9 year old to me every time.

                                                              Gaming is Dead

                                                                impossible to escape low prio bc EVERY SINGLE FUCKING GAME SOME FUCKING RETARD ABANDONS then the game is not scored lool xd ncie fucking pool valve


                                                                  why are you actually trying in low prio lol

                                                                  Gaming is Dead


                                                                    puni puni butt UWU

                                                                      cliff jungle

                                                                      go make food

                                                                      come back, eat, chjeck back every 5 mins

                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                        Are you fokken stupid? If someone abandons and u stay in low prio the match will still count Dx

                                                                        lm ao

                                                                          I never get to Low Priority. EVER

                                                                          Am I the son of God?!?

                                                                          lm ao

                                                                            I swear I never played fucking LP, unless I'm in a party with teammates on LP