General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp newbie with custom built desktop

Help newbie with custom built desktop in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    Hello Dotabuff

    Im trying to have my first custom build desktop and so far this is how i ended up with, is there any sugggestions so i can save a bit more? < - - - - desktop Parts < - - - - - link to see other parts

    Riguma Borusu

      I can tell you how to save $139.00 but it's not legal.

      Also, if you want really good gaming performance, get an SSD. Win8 is a needy system and it abuses the fucking HD all the time, if you only have one, with both your games and system on it, it's gonna be sluggish, especially since you aren't getting a top tier HD.

      If I were you I'd mysteriously save exactly $139.00 here and get an SSD for the same price.

      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
      Bad Intentions

        oh boy get a better video card man! get atleast a 750 or something better!

        and get a cheaper motherboard! your highest cost item should go to the video card mannn :O

        and holy cow your memory sticks are expensive! get generic ones to save some $ and put dat to the video card :O

        add me up steam so i can help ya futher

        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

          Isnt it a bit odd to spend 2x the amount of your GPU on a motherboard, for a gaming PC?

          Miku Plays

            i plan to get the GTX 960 or higher in the future

            Bad Intentions

              wat website is this, dont get dat vc man! get something better! :O

              Bad Intentions

                theres a gtx 750 there man! get that instead :O

                Miku Plays


                  i know what this illegal thing your talking about :P i jsut dont know how to install the pirated program. Are you saying i should get win7 instead? i already got used to wins8 anyway


                    now why would you pay for operating system? just download windows 7 iso from torrent and burn it to the disc


                      Dude, that GPU is not for gaming. Not even Dota. Go for one of the budget AMD cards like the r9 270x if you really need to cut costs somewhere. It will just work out more expensive if you buy a shit card an have to upgrade anyway in a months time because your frame rate is shit.

                      Dont even be scared to buy it used from ebay or gumtree. If you pay with Paypal your ass is covered.



                        Please use .

                        Also why such a good motherboard but such a bad video card?

                        I also do not see Processor in there which is weird.

                        You don't need 2400 frequency just get 1600 and get a better video card.

                        A total budget would be nice.

                        Edit:Also your case is more expensive than your Power Supply what the hell, if you want to start your build over add me.

                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                          Download your ram, don't buy it.


                            That build is really really bad. What are you going to do with that pc?


                              WHAT ARE THOSE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA!?!?? WHAAAATT!!??

                              Miku Plays


                                i know u dont download ram kappa


                                  As it was mentioned before, you dont need motherboard that good for the rest of hardware. Get a cheaper RAM and better video card. Cant see a CPU option in this list, but according to the budget it should be decent`ish AMD one.
                                  Also, why would you need additional network card for 30$. I mean there are some cases when you need 2 network cards, but cmon 30$...


                                    Dude you dont need a network card (waste of money for me), a Gayming tower (Just get a simple functional one but not too dumbed down), and a Blu-ray optical disc unless you really need it. Get a cheaper RAM, RAM speed is really not important just get a generic kingston 8GB ddr3 1600 one, and then put all the money you saved on the GPU. What processor is in this build anyways? I suggest Intel Pentium G3258.


                                      @Hatsune miku

                                      go to and buy your OS there much cheaper, then you can even upgrade it for free to Windows 10.
                                      If you live in Russia its even more cheaper then cheap apparently.

                                      And ofc it's all legal.

                                      Instead of 139 you'll end up spending something like 20 bucks

                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                      Miku Plays

                                        @doot doot

                                        ill add you when im not ingame :D

                                        @ Dominus

                                        i have GT 720 on my laptop and dota runs fine with it but ill look that one up ty

                                        @doot doot
                                        as i mentioned im going to get a better gpu later on, ill try that store once so i have more options

                                        Miku Plays

                                          @slammer and Armada

                                          sorry, i dont know much about network card i just went to get an average priced one, ill grab a lower one then.

                                          Armada, i need the bluray disc since i watch animes :P

                                          wowow i didnt know that, ill ask someone i know whose from russia then :D

                                          lm ao

                                            Hatsune Miku is so pinoy :D

                                            Giff me Wingman

                                              If that PC starts then you are a genious.

                                              Miku Plays

                                                ^ im sorry title says newbie


                                                  Somebody above already suggested . There is a tab there with some build guides, which is just some completed pc builds. Go there, have a look at what people tend to use, what do they avoid to save money, that would help a lot. You may also simply get one of these, they're pretty decent, unless you want to have a feeling of total control over yours pc configuration.

                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                  Miku Plays

                                                    i want to know how people build pcs, so i dont really mind looking at them. not confident i can build a good one

                                                    Miku Plays

                                                      brb gonna copy cheap builds


                                               --> has a lot of useful info for each part just below the component table.

                                                        Then, there are many websites that show CPU/GPU benchmarks & consumer ratings/feedback, so you can see what is really good for each price range.

                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                          get decent CPU, meh mainboard, middle end gfxcard and decent PSU, the rest can be as cheap as possible, then u're gucci.


                                                            how do you misspel GENIUS blunt :horse:

                                                            Miku Plays

                                                              Thanks guys, new desktop is up and running just waiting for the monitor and im all set.

                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                care to share ur specs?

                                                                lm ao

                                                                  Hatsune Miku, beautiful words of wisdom from me: Please buy good (if possible, branded) Power Supply Unit, all of my parts (expensive gfx, intel pent 6 which was good then, ram etc) are nowhere near salvageable :[[

                                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                    Please tell me you didnt buy those parts. That is a TERRIBLE build and money is spent in all the wrong places. Message me and I'll help you.

                                                                    Miku Plays

                                                                      CPU - i3-4170
                                                                      Mobo - Asus B85M-G
                                                                      Memory - 2x4GB Kensington 1600Mhz
                                                                      GPU- Geforce GTX960 4gb
                                                                      PSU - Widetech 650w
                                                                      Case - Coolermaster K380 mid tower

                                                                      Psu ang gpu the salesperson gave me 20$ off them kappa

                                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                        Congrats man
                                                                        I hope I'll get my parts soon too


                                                                          I'm getting the same gpu actually

                                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                                            HOLY SHIT, what a crappy ass PC. No offense, but whoever told you to buy those parts is a fucking retard.

                                                                            I literally cannot believe a passive PFC 650Watt PSU still exists.

                                                                            And you actually bought a dualcore as well. Pls tell me you got that shit for 300bucks.

                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                            lm ao

                                                                              ^He's from Australia, you buy either kangaroos or a shitty dualcore for 300 Aus$


                                                                                PCs are ultimatively expensive there


                                                                                  Nice. That is a huge improvement over what you proposed initially.

                                                                                  Miku Plays

                                                                                    i3 is 180$


                                                                                      Still a lot though *sigh*


                                                                                        Also, never heard of Widetech. No idea if that is any good at all. If it was really cheap then I'd be skeptical. Seems to be an Australian brand...

                                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                                          dude, it's a passive PFC PSU, it's garbage and shouldn't exist in 2015.


                                                                                            How do you even know that? I can't find anything out about that brand...I don't even see that company has a website.

                                                                                            Miku Plays
                                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                              bum farto

                                                                                                > You can get a windows 10 preview (better than windows 8) which you can upgrade to a full free edition.

                                                                                                > A 730 is dogshit you may as well use on board.

                                                                                                > Unless you have a burning need to go 1151 socket get a 1150 which will be slightly cheaper now given the new releases.

                                                                                                > Money on bluray is money wasted. Seriously, blu-ray and CD-roms are dead.

                                                                                                > Stick with slower speed memory with tighter timings, slower "mhz" but faster and more stable overall as most M/B's will clock down.

                                                                                                > Don't buy ASUS you pay for features which will just cause you headache, stick with gigabyte or intel. More features = more to go wrong.