General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are your solutions to playing against Techies?

What are your solutions to playing against Techies? in General Discussion

    What heroes do you pick and what are the pros and cons of it?

    I've had some good success with Vengeful Spirit (2 games LEL), because I can just initiate fights, save my team, buy wards etc, be poor and still be relevant. But I don't want to be playing against Techies with Vengeful all the time, what are other heroes I could try out?

    I've also tried Venomancer, and my teammates have done heroes like Natures Prophet, Zeus, etc. The typical ones.

    Last picking is 4 pussies

      If I'm really mad in beginning. I go prophet and pick tp ability first and beat him to his spot.

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        Pom Pom 🍕

          TA's pretty good. As long as you keep your shield on you can walk anywhere without being scared of dying to mines (which also helps checking for mines for your team without needing sentries, just mana).

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            Livin' Real Good

              Night Stalker, Natures Profit, and TA.


                safe lane carry naga


                  pl with dople ganger over the mines

                  but u need supports to provide vision


                    ive actually spawnned my real hero on the mines when doppling
                    but yea good counter


                      NS, Zeus
                      Naga Siren and Ta are very gut, but I just dont play them


                        My favorites heroes to play against techies are

                        Venomancer (Techies 4-11-6)

                        No hero can kill mines more safely and siege uphill, better than Venomancer. And you need almost no gold at all to do it. You can just toss a sentry vaguely near where you think there might be mines, put up one plague ward and leave before anyone ganks you. This is great for dewarding and making all those uphills safe. Summons and illusions often die to the mines, but plague wards do not. You can also kill a tower with plague wards despite techies using minefield sign to prevent you from clearing his mines.

                        Zeus (Techies 8-17-2)

                        Zues has free infinite sentry wards with Bolt. When your team is roaming or pushing the lane you can cast bolt every 800 units and never get caught by mines. Once Zues has plenty of mana its like techies does not exist. You can also kill him easily and safely when he ducks back into that corner sitting on his mines. Zues ult cast throughout the game also reveals where techies is planting mines so your team is warned far in advance. Whenever you ult, take note of where techies is on the map. Tell your team, and then go kill the mines before they forget and die to them.

                        Omniknight (Techies 1-2-0)
                        This game we ran over techies like he was a creep. Throne down in 19 minutes.

                        When you want to dive a tower, or uphill, or into the rosh pit against a techies nothing is better than Repel. Your initiator can blink right in with no fear and no need to wait for an expensive BkB. When sieging the enemy base late game against that Aghs, mine spamming techies you do not waste bkb charges as your carry takes down the tower. Repel is always up again and the carry still holds bkb in reserve. Techies solved.

                        There are a lot of other heroes that deal with techies fairly well with illusions or summons, but these three can truly crush him with ease.

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                        the realm's delight

                          fukijn 4head


                            Why make a thread? Search Techies > WORST VERSUS


                              Obviously by picking techies.


                                i fucking report everyone who picks techies, and i tryhard to win against them.


                                  hey techies, get fucked
                         (someone should post the chat, i think i flamed techies in russian or smth)


                                    I find Clinkz to be a good hero against Techies. Clinkz has long range, he can zone Techies out in a lane, he can burst down a target quickly (and force out a suicide while staying out of the blast radius), health bonus from Death Pact are usually enough to run through Land mines.


                                      All my best heros are melee so I just try to get a early gem and tp to lanes more often instead of walking through jungle/ river . I really need to develop some ranged carries , only ones I am feel I am good at are drow and sniper . And I think snoper got over nerfed so that leaves me with drow who I mostly vaulue for her split pushing .


                                        kotl rapes as soon as he has agha


                                          Idk, but 5 min solo offlane midas and 10 min shadowblade on bloodseeker does wonders against techies with soulring :D

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                                            Someone picks Techies? Just report him.


                                              My favorite pick is just a generic Dragon Knight, probably one of the most boring heroes out there. He is tanky enough that after a while I don't really fear walking around through jungle if it is a jungling/roaming techies because I know even if he is dropping lots of mines they will be low level and I will survive. Then late game getting a Silver Edge or Shadow Blade and going invis as dragon is hilarious versus a techies, the slow as he runs away, and if he walks towards you you have a 3 second stun... then go out of range from suicide. Near 30 minutes unless he drops 5 remotes and 5 land mines and they all go off at once you are good.

                                              Obviously this is a very lone wolf strategy, everyone else is kind of on there own. :D

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                                                  Pugna is super strong in the lane, and acceptable for mine exploring, as long as you see him stack his land mines you just decryp your self and walk over the mines, and if hes trying to suicide on yourc arry you decryp your carry instead so they take no damage.

                                                  And the ward can zone him a bit on its own since he needs his mana pretty badly it can keep him out of the lane

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    I like medusa. You know any game vs techies will go late and she's great late game. With enough farm she doesn't really fear mines, only that super fing huge stack under the sign, but the rest you can just tank with mana. She's ranged so just sit and kill towers outside of mine range anyway.

                                                    Sniper too.

                                                    im so bad at artifact

                                                      If only there was a hero who had enough range to de-mine, was tanky enough to not die to typical mine stacks, and has plenty of lategame so techies dragging the game out just works against them.

                                                      Big Daddy C

                                                        I play a lot of techies and the worst heroes to go up against for me are TA and Nightstalker

                                                        Special mention to zeus for obvious reasons but he isn't as bad because he doesn't just walk around spamming bolts so you can still kill him pretty easily if you get crafty with your mines.

                                                        On another note people like to pick Natures Prophet against me a lot, I don't see why he is a counter, if anything he just feeds treants. With a natures in the game you just use your mines to last hit until you get level 6 then the treants are useless. Get aghs and when he pushes a lane tp in and throw a remote mine onto that huge stack of creeps and treants to get 6 slotted super fast

                                                        edit: forgot to mention any hero with strong nukes like a core lina can kill techies easily aswell but they will still die a lot to mines, decent silences early game are a bitch but if your against a smart techies player they will just buy a euls first item

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                                                          Visage - need a big stack to kill Visage with maxed cloak and birds can still chip away at high ground as they are immune to mines


                                                            fucking just get necro books and push heroes


                                                              NP + PL = REKT Techies.

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                "If only there was a hero who had enough range to de-mine, was tanky enough to not die to typical mine stacks, and has plenty of lategame so techies dragging the game out just works against them."

                                                                IF you aren't talking about medusa I have no clue who you mean lol

                                                                Espresso yoself.

                                                                  Any support + necro book 3. Removes techies from the game, unless he's comboed up with some serious stuns or a tusk he's a non player, 4v5 whole game after that.


                                                                    Techies player here

                                                                    The worst early game scenario are TA and Naga. Her net allows the enemy to harass/kill you from a safe distance. The illusions destroy minespots. A non-retarded techies player won't prepare early traps against naga/np anyways. Any hero with silence or chainstuns is horrible to deal with. A storm with orchid, lion etc are menacing.Tiny also works, because he gets tanky lategame and can oneshot techies early on. Once Techies gets euls, he can atleast dispell silence and suicide. NP is only dangerous because of his Q, which prevents techies from getting close to enemis to kill them. The treants do not matter, cause NP will only destroy his early minespots. A good techies player wont even prepare many minespots against NP for this reason.
                                                                    SB is a decent counter, because he can stunlock techies and is tanky as fuck early on. However dont lightly charge techies any time, cause he will expect you and stand on minespots.

                                                                    Of you really want to shutdown a techies early on. Trilane him with 2 ranged supports 1 with silence 1 with stun. He shouldnt be able to do much unless the supports play like shit and kill themselves. Killing techies is not what you should aim for. Jus starve him of XP. and kill him once you have a decent level advantage.

                                                                    If you want to finish the game early. Buy a gem at 15-20minutes and push through. A gem before the 20 Minute mark is the only thing which can stop a techies unless his team is complete and utter garbage.


                                                                    Lategame counters are: Any carry that is better than his carry, and the hardest carries in the game (medusa, spectre) + Natural tanky assholes. The worst lategame scenarios are a nightstalker with aghs/gem or an abaddon with a gem. those heroes are hard to kill.

                                                                    If techies mines are the only danger you are facing. Just get a Heart to tank them away, and regen quickly.
                                                                    Splittpushing against techies is good. Most techies players focus on 1 Lane. and mine the highground there.

                                                                    Just pretend you are pushsing bot /midlane, stand lowground pushing the wave under their tower and then use a smoke start the tower siege on a different lane. Most techies players wont expect this.

                                                                    Other options are to use your bkb, run highground and kill all the mines quickly, or to blink and fight BEHIND their T3 tower, instead of in front of it where are the mines are located.

                                                                    // i just wrote down random thoughts. This "guide" is in no way complete and may contain mistakes.


                                                                      Because i saw it posted by some dude:


                                                                      Good vs techies, bc he cant get close to anyone (makes him easy to kill) and wards give a shitton of vision, which ruins his map dominance.

                                                                      Is ok, because of the nuke and the invis detection it gives. But a good techies will play around that. Also force-staffing a zeus into my mines is a lot of fun, and quite easy.

                                                                      Is good because of his Repel, which makes a hero magic immune, therefore immune to remote mines, which allows easy sieging.
                                                                      + He is a very good lategame support, with his aghs + refresher, which makes his team pretty much invincible for 10 sec.


                                                                        This thread is amazing. As an occasional techies picker, there are multiple ways to deal with techies early and later on.

                                                                        Pre-remote mines:

                                                                        Early on, map vision screws techies because if you know where he is and where his mines are, you can easily not take those routes. It'll be a bit difficult but sometimes as a support against techies, I often forego the tune contest and rush to lane to see where techies initial mine stack is since he won't have enough time to get the required 3/4 stack without me seeing him.

                                                                        Another good counter to techies early techies is pugna, since his mines are physical damage and pugna can just decrepify and walk in suspected areas without taking mine damage. The pugna wards mana drain is also amazing if you suspect techies around but it's really situational. Basically this strategy is to double down on either armor or physical damage mitigation and destroy techies mine stacks. No first blood means no levels, no soul ring and therefore fewer mines around the map. And techies will be exp challenged so you can see him in lane and just hank him, even if he suicides, that's delaying remote mines.

                                                                        Countering early game techies is often more about vision of techies, and then nullifying his mine stacks by either walking over them without taking lethal damage. Illusions and spawns are also amazing at this like pl just popping his illusions and scouting all over his lanes for mines, or natures prophet trees just walking over and giving minimal gold for all that mana and time spent on the mine stack.

                                                                        Post remote mines:

                                                                        This is again a vision challenge as if you know where he is planting, a sentry can reveal mines and letting the creep wave deal with it. This is where Zeus and gem come into factor. Zeus can reveal mine stacks quite efficiently since hell hopefully have arcane boots and another mana regen at this point to sustainably demine. As an item build, necro book is also amazing since it's a low cool down true sight mobile pair of units that will even damage techies if he blows up the mines being taken out. For pushing high ground, necro pol is actually pretty freaking good. And omniknight can cast magical immunity and guardian angel on the team, with the magic immune person(presumably your decently farmed carry) walking up hill and taking care of the mines, and then fighting the 4v5 battle.