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Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    Yeah thats true


      Thats indeed very true.


        Typical ursa stomp...very nice ...

        In before you comment my last match pls note item build in my team...that match cost me like the whole 90's I could have live...

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        Proto | 改善

          Wow. one heck of a game huh? Next time you should consider getting euls / shivas instead of radiance lol


            Normal skill.. Yet you still did a great job versus a doom as a brew maybe consider getting something like a linkens next time when playing against doom, on the other side you made him ragequit in ranked so wellgreat

            Alch carried you

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              Your team snowball all the game and won it. Great TD and nc hd&gpm


                Despite your team feeding all game you carried their asses, looks like Doom was pretty annoying that you had to buy gem or just took it

                smol brain

                  You guys were facing a really bad line up, 4 similar roles and cm was free kill. You really owned the game, good one.


                    Sick splitpush and easy win.

                    Wiwith :3
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                        High gpm, High xpm, High tower damage 4.6k sheeeesh


                          Nc assists relatively quick game low deaths,basically great kda

                          smol brain

                            Very bad itemization throughout, very low tier game probably, horrible carry picks, at least you won, void is not a good hero man.


                              Very low tier yet ur nothing more than high skill. Anyhow a typical sea game right here. Your team was stomping right from the start I assume. You shouldve definitely considered an orchid or scythe if you look at the enemy heroes. Qop was a decent pick this game and so is your HD


                                ncie ember performance recking dem scrubs. Also same hero damage as support lina :D


                                  hahaha 31k xp advantage and you guys lost
                                  i don't even know what to say
                                  next time you should think about buying maelstorm->mjoulnir for counterpush
                                  radiant team was shit at killing, but good with pushing (shoutout to @TheAllianceGG)
                                  aaaaaaaaand wisp. with mom. yes.

                                  smol brain

                                    Dazzle is a good hero and all but I'm not sure whether he synergizes with am, omniknight or ww are better picks I feel. Glimmer cape was wrong. Mobility would be better.

                                    Hustlehard Harold

                                      How on earth do you get that much farm as a wyvern tho? Seriously..
                                      It seems that you guys, realising that your teams power spikes well before there's did - decided to five man and death ball down their lanes around the twenty minute mark. Their team did their best to hold off your surge, but the RNG wasn't on PA's side and she kept dying early in fights/before fights, which resulted in Slark RQ'ing after he slung a few derogatory terms aimed at his team in all chat.


                                        Very nice carry with SF :)


                                          3.9k dmg on AM in 35 min is bad, though I am aware of your TD

                                          Bad Intentions

                                            Monster alchemist performance, gpm is very good, items are standard, definitely the main reason u guys won d game.


                                              Plays slardar alot. Nc win rate


                                                Invoker takes skill +1

                                                +good kda
                                                +good team fight build
                                                +won the game

                                                -Needs higher gpm

                                                Player 124137522

                                                  I like how you got a team fighting item AC against that lineup. They had a dogshit faceless void tbh most faceless void players are dogshit in normal tier. It was 4v5 as well but you managed. Their faceless was just a liability so it was probably more of a 4v4 anyway. That earth spirit what a player. Anyway good kda could of gotten more hero damage honestly, but everything seems great. Well played.

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                                                  Spruce Moose

                                                    i like the unique orchid build on your PA game which you crushed


                                                      The quintessential average dota 2 player, with perfect 50% win rate (all time)


                                                        you're supposed to play rad alch with manta bots octorine to farm faster and get 6 slotted at 30 min seriously it's good

                                                        Hustlehard Harold

                                                          you guys got five manned on really hard, and despite having a pretty solid performance on slark - you weren't able to snowball hard enough to carry since there were limited ganks to find with your sb. your nyx didnt get off the ground early due to their five man, so you just didnt have the resources to combat them when they pushed high ground. classic case of outdraft


                                                            Your team did a very good job of shutting down alchemist and have the gold leads all the time. You probably jump on one of enemy's hero which none seems to have a good escape from you, your team follow up with big ultimate, you die but the enemies were wiped and your team takes objectives.


                                                              Tough Loss, looks like Rubic and SF fed a bit and necro had a good game. You had no heal on the team. No mek and sf build is really weird, bm, urn, degon. Maybe if you had more time to farm you could have turned the game around.

                                                              smol brain

                                                                Anti mage gave up I guess, lewl , they didn't have a support, it would have taken special efforts to lose that game, octarine core is nice for es wp ez win.

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                                                                【TempleTech Corp】

                                                                  Smurf harder, there's a distinct line between smurfing and being smurfed, you need to smurf the smurf and not get smurfed by smurfs in order to truly smurf smurf smurf. Only then can you smurf smurfette.

                                                                  smol brain

                                                                    Typical high ground throw, daedalus is meh. Maybe your inability to convert a lead into a win and your inability to understand the point of a forum thread have the same underlying cause.

                                                                    Hustlehard Harold

                                                                      Seriously tho, how the fuck are you 100 gpm lower than a sniper with maelstrom while playing as the teams solo support?

                                                                      Hustlehard Harold

                                                                        I assume you contest lane farm and don't do support duties but your win rate in VHS suggests otherwise..

                                                                        smol brain

                                                                          @Hustlehard Harold
                                                                          The gpm spike came late game I sold the arcane got an sny and started clubbing people to death.

                                                                          Some mobility on tiny will just improve your game impact man...


                                                                            Gawd damn bro 2 RADIANCE on other team?! you got stomped, ur slark is feederino

                                                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                              Decent kill participation with Pudge. Have no idea how you won, seems like a close game.


                                                                                just another casual pubstomp, nicely done!

                                                                                The Nugget Collector

                                                                                  stomped like a boss!!


                                                                                    Nice dmg on both towers and heroes, I guess you played pretty well from stats.

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      Nice stomp, pretty much, good HD and TD damage, seems like you got ganked early and died, but quickly recovered and got an early radiance? Pretty nice build too, I like the tanky bm+ac build, esp complemented with radiance which makes you super annoying to deal with.

                                                                                      smol brain

                                                                                        You dominated despite a bad match up. Riki is so effective in pubs ^^.


                                                                                          classic solo support Wyvern. you guys have to be glad to each other haha. nicely dominated!


                                                                                            nice NS


                                                                                              Phase boots zeus? Really?

                                                                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                                Did your best as Jug, but Storm and Pudge were feeding and Alchemist got out of control.

                                                                                                dale da dolphin

                                                                                                  Resorted to playing Viper in ranked, still lost, felt bad so played unranked instead where you have a much lower rating... smashed some noobs on midshaker or something. Should stay positive and stick at it in ranked!


                                                                                                    OP is a weabo