General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion for mods, or whatever you are called

Question for mods, or whatever you are called in General Discussion

    Ok, this is getting ridiculous.

    The guy who post on dotabuff forums, about pinoys ( nothing harsh or that, he just raged ) gets instalock in like 5 minutes.

    The guy who spams forums for the last 2-3 days, insulting on nationality, spamming forums with utter bullshit, trash talking everyone who wants to help anyone, is still not banned?

    So how come is that?

    If you want to do your job ( which isn't your primary one, so i get, that you all have a lot of things going on your life ) , at least do it normally, and don't protect anyone.

    P.S. Not here to start flame fest, or insulting, or anything, just wondering the above.

    Cheers :)


      Mods do whatever they want, they are mods. Who cares about your opinion anyway. What are your constructive arguments for leaving the 'I hate pinoys' thread open?

      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

        I doubt i understood what i wrote.

        They don't do their job good, or at least sometimes yes, sometimes no.

        It isn't about leaving thread open, it is about getting instalocked, but on the other hand, guy who everyone hated for past few days, who flamed and etc, isn't getting banned.

        I'd rather have that thread opened, then having spoiled brat "fucking" every thread here, insulting Serbs, Turks, Russians, spaming some retarded picture about great Macedonia, on countless threads.


          Well I'd rather have some toxic content closed and some open than having every idiot who comes here and talk shit to have a right to keep opening stupid threads

          Primordial Soup


            "The guy who everyone hated" who are you to decide who 'everyone' hates? lol!

            "Who flamed" link to his 'Flame' pls.

            If anything all I see in this thread is "The hate didn't continue, mods wtf"

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              It is funny, how 2 guys, who literally never posted anything on dotabuff, now spams useless garbage.

              The guy is MrChow.

              Primordial Soup

                "who literally never posted anything on dotabuff"


                  "The guy who spams forums for the last 2-3 days, insulting on nationality, spamming forums with utter bullshit, trash talking everyone who wants to help anyone, is still not banned?"

                  who are we talking about


                    that Mrs.chow cunt.

                    random nobody.

                    kanye went to uni

                      "If you want to do your job ... at least do it normally, and don't protect anyone."

                      "P.S. Not here to start flame fest, or insulting, or anything, just wondering the above."

                      You're like those people who start with 'no offense' and say the most annoying shit possible rofl ... if you want to complain, then fucking complain and deal with the consequences, you can't on the one hand suggest inept moderation and on the other expect to 'not start a flame fest'....

                      Miku Plays

                        cause YOLOOOOOOO

                        Hex Sigma

                          you should go to the dev forums op. Everything that is not asslicking is closed there.

                          one and half gun

                            they should make a sub section only legit 5k+ players can post it (everyone can view it however)

                            one and half gun

                              post in it

                              We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                I agree with Wave.


                                  wave so smart ;3

                                  Quick maffs

                                    Oh no is completely normal that the guy who insults everyone is still not banned.

                                    Totally normal to call everyone autist and behave like a 13 years old, elitist about a fucking videogame.

                                    The moderation of this forum is awful, and that is not because the mods dont have the time to do a normal moderation but because they dont WANT to.

                                    Anyway OP just learn to ignore those guys, is the only way to deal with it.

                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                    King of Low Prio

                                      white knight dorkly tips his fedora to you all

                                      Quick maffs

                                        Sampson you are the only one here who can get banned so you should be careful

                                        Miku Plays


                                          irony detected 0.0 rekt

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            naw I usually only get banned when I mention how the dbuff staff is poverty stricken. Somehow when I offered to send them care packages of bread and water they got offended.


                                              Dotabuff needs a moderator who doesn't play dota...or videogames. Because seriously, what would any of you prefer to do? Take the time to temporarily weed out the toxicity from this forum/message board or play dota?

                                              Miku Plays

                                                i think thats sampson

                                                Quick maffs

                                                  I would never waste my time moderating a forum, but hey, that its not my job .....

                                                  one and half gun

                                                    SUB SECTION FOR 5K+ PLAYERS PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


                                                      Seems even in serious posts, there are trollers and imbeciles, fine.

                                                      I gotta agree here with @Zano. Get few good guys, or respected members of community ( they can even play dota , why not ), but they should be able to watch forums 24/7, without of doubt.

                                                      @wave even i would that thing to happen, you know it isnt gonna happen, no matter what.

                                                      Also, as stated, Sampson was few times banned for similar stuff, on the other hand MrChow isnt. Fuck it.

                                                      Edit : And dont make 5k + mmr subforum, name it 4.8k so i can join also.

                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                        Maybe we just need wave sub section. For wave.

                                                        bum farto

                                                          @Zano "Dotabuff needs a moderator who doesn't play dota...or videogames. Because seriously, what would any of you prefer to do? Take the time to temporarily weed out the toxicity from this forum/message board or play dota?"

                                                          This was something that at several points in the 2-3 years on Dotabuff I have offered to do both for free and through applying for the role twice when it was posted. Despite ticking all the boxes I was "not suited for the role" and my guess is that they're looking for someone with no full time job to moderate these forums so that they have the potential to go full time into another role within Dotabuff.

                                                          This was the same case when SafeBase was hired to moderate, he started being really active and now is non-existent having been moved into some other shadow role within the company (afaik) and it looks like the same thing is happening to FancySocks as well. I think that the Dotabuff team had already made their mind up about the person they were looking for to moderate the forum and its a shame that so many people wasted their time applying just to be turned down by a generic "you're not what we want" despite ticking all the boxes in the original job description.

                                                          So I think having said my piece we can write off ever having a full time moderator who bothers to track "transgressions" and remove/temp ban people accordingly (the same applies to requested sub-forums). I have been told that a lot of the idiots are continued to thrive here because while they're insulting to people, races, and just generally terrible users of a community they either haven't "broken" any rules directly or are a necessary evil to prevent over smurf spam from disgruntled ex-members.

                                                          Honestly while I still hang around and am trying to post where I can I have been considering a move to another forum that actually has an even semi organized structure, and bothers to listen to what the community wants because at the end of it all this is a stats site and the forum (while big) was never meant as the main focus.

                                                          Here are the options.

                                                          > Reddit - Full of ego boosting circle jerkers, mostly 3K garbage who fancy themselves pro.
                                                          > PlayDota - A confusing minefield of overly aggressive admins who again will ban you on a whim if they feel the need to
                                                          > DotaROOT - Was on the original one and was going to perma-move but then it closed down and the new one opened (TBD)

                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                          Hex Sigma

                                                            ^ why not dev dota?


                                                              "they dont do their job" - enough to realise how entitled you are. If you create a website, you do whatever you want in and with it (inside the international www rules). Just because every other web has moderators doesnt mean that everyone "has" to do. It doesnt matter if its right or wrong (which are subjective words anyway). Your house, your rules. And im not even taking sides nor saying what i personally think about it.

                                                              I would be impressed if you came up here saying you created a fenomenal website with stats tracking data, well displayed, nice layout, etc. But well, guess its easier to complain and "teach" others how things are done.

                                                              Im thankfull that i can have all my dota 2 data displayed here and do contribute buying plus membership ocasionally because the data is all that im interested in. Couldnt care less about the forum, it actually amuses me to read.


                                                                lol, people getting mad at trolls and 13 year olds.
                                                                are YOU 13?

                                                                one and half gun

                                                                  As Dota 2 is getting more and more popular, it is increasingly difficult to find a place to discuss and trade reliable advice and engage in high-level discussion.

                                                                  I propose that we have a private, invite only, "5K+ mmr Dota Chat" sub-forum where moderately high to high skill individuals can discuss Dota with other like-minded players on a more cerebral level. Of course there would be a verification process to prove you are in the 5k+ club. - Chadron


                                                                    ^do it if i qualify as 5k.

                                                                    one and half gun

                                                                      u can be the one to go through the verification process every day


                                                                        ok lets do it!!!

                                                                        edit: pls the GODS who create sites for us mortals, plz give us a forum for 5k+

                                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                        Quick maffs


                                                                          Mad ? i am not mad, i am used to ignore everything wave and company says and sometimes its even funny, but with time it gets tiresome dont you think ? or what he says still makes you laugh after so much time ?.

                                                                          Plus a lot of new users who start posting in this forum stops because of the retards.

                                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                          Hex Sigma

                                                                            because your in game rating says a lot about your actual intelect. Oh I forgot I'm on the internet.

                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                              After 2 minutes of reading NAdota i got cancer


                                                                                5k+ mmr= probably 300+ iq. this is proven by various experiments and researches over the last 50 years.

                                                                                @Dorkleeey, sometimes when i need to remind myself that im not retarded, i visit the forums and i immediately feel superior and full of confidence!

                                                                                Quick maffs


                                                                                  Well that its a good point


                                                                                    @wave, as again i like that thing.

                                                                                    Or simply make, that only players with 200, or 250 games ( that include this profile ) to be able to fully utilizate forums. Other smurf/troling kids/flamers , gets something like 1 or 2 posts per day.

                                                                                    But that is just a thought.

                                                                                    Or simply have vouch system for players, who are willingly to talk about d2, help others and something similar.

                                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                      TBD mmr sub pls

                                                                                      one and half gun

                                                                                        honsetly idgaf about how many games somebody got unless we're talking about players like these who buy accounts and struggle to maintain 50.00% winrate

                                                                                        the verification process would be something like

                                                                                        is the person 5k+? yes.
                                                                                        does he or she have the player info for leaderboards? yes (total 300 matches including 100 solo ranked matches)


                                                                                          @satallizer your contribute to this thread is awesome.

                                                                                          Unfortunately, i've been here for a long time, and you changed a lot. What happened to you?

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            I want a 5k+ subforum because if they made it they would need to moderate it and then that would lead wave to shutting the fuck up for once



                                                                                              ol'joke, my bad.

                                                                                              a lot has changed, after reading lots of stuff from hael, x6, mrchow and sampson, I got used to it.

                                                                                              mods might be busy or maybe not, we don't know.
                                                                                              trolls are everywhere you know, just ignore them.


                                                                                                Not a problem mate. I remember you were one of most awesome people here, alongside few others ( relentless for example ).

                                                                                                Times has changed, not many people have enough patiance to deal with kids here.