General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR question

MMR question in General Discussion
Rusty Ken (mmr thief)

    If I reach 3.6k from 3k mostly by playing tinker, do I actually deserve the MMR?

    EDIT: My 3.6k MMR is actually party MMR, so do I actually deserve it too?

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      If you manage to stay there you deserve to be there. If you do it with just one hero it only means you have an extremely small hero pool. Eventually only picking tinker wont work anymore either since he might not fit in every draft that you will play in.


        Yes you do. You are fucktard, but you deserved.


          i would like to dedicate this song to u

          Quick maffs

            Tinker bros united

            By the way try necro and TA to grind mmr


              party mmr is so easy, just play dual queue with some mega-cool combo and get 600+ mmr in 2 weeks son.


                and get +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 -49 -50, super ez




                    I must be the only one likens this thread to asking a Catholic priest for absolution.