General Discussion

General Discussionnice mmr valve

nice mmr valve in General Discussion


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        6k+ is the true mmr hell rofl

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          ICE SKULL

            i dont think there is a difference between 5k and 6k

            as u can see i got to 4.9k to 5.4k on my other smurf since im not grinding from 4.7k to whatever on this acc im posting on, all i did was pick slark and ta mid. only problem its boring to grind mmr instead of randoming

            now im going to feed every game since 4k trash always want mid and this is how they do mid
            i have an amazing match id of mid invoker who bought mek and was 3-4 lvls behind the enemy 5th support :>>>>

            i want to play in us east at this hour but my ping is so high

            ICE SKULL

              alright found it


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                  doubt he cared, saksa almost never complains about mmr.

                  speaking of mmr
                  how often do you get 6k average game?

                  ICE SKULL

                    i miss day time eu mmr :( night time is aids lol


                      I play from like 5pm to 12.

                      ICE SKULL

                        i swear to god ive wanted to kill myself maybe 5 times this week because ive only been playing from 11 pm to 5 am

                        the things i see in this mmr late at night man.. and they have the guts to flame back too :D i should fix my sleep schedule


                          well it half past 5 am and im awake as well so I'm last one to give tips about sleep schedule. x)


                            Like once in a blue moon to see 6k mmr players in mmr games


                              ^ not in eu! xD


                                ez - 30 pts, morphling.


                                  After 1 AM expect plenty of drunk people in your games :P

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                                    i dont get why that is valve's fault? unless you want to wait 1 hour in queue

                                    ICE SKULL

                                      doesn't need to be 1 hour, we both know that fucker

                                      how to fix rmm

                                      TBD PLAYERS CANT PICK ZEUS/TINKER since 99% of these players suck at dota
                                      stop putting 4k shitters with 5k+ players
                                      implement overwatch bans




                                          lol for some reason I always thought xan was like 3.5k ROFL
                                          but I didn't ever open your profile, it's easy to see you're not

                                          btw wave you still pick slark regularly? it still works? what about the bloodseeker counterpicks? you just repick or play around?


                                            I think mmr works alright.

                                            ICE SKULL

                                              depends on the player

                                              bloodseeker doesnt do much to me since i play safe and mess around in the fog for fresh kills, but i'd never suggest instapicking slark. my biggest fear is a decent doom player and there are too many of those players in EU.

                                              the only time i repick is... if i pick furion and the other team got nyx and storm in the same team


                                                how do you even get to play mid if you don't instapick? at least in SA it's impossible, everybody wants mid so you have to be really fast :s

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  Get tranqs on slark vs BS, the regen will put you above half. Also Slark is old meta really, now you just need heroes that can push and teamfight, Slark does neither of them.


                                                    yea I know about the tranquil, but nonetheless it's still a pain in the ass just because you can't juke using the fog to regain hp while BS is alive

                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                      well im muted, i just put my icon on the mid lane and thats it. if somebody wants mid, i just pick furion/carry

                                                      slark > deathball meta, in almost every game i play, i'm constantly witnessing skywrath, pugna, furion, venomancer and many more

                                                      these heroes suck dick to slark

                                                      ICE SKULL

                                                        also i never thought of tranq, i'd just recommend getting a salve lol... 125 gold isn't much and tranq doesnt give you the amazing perks of ptreads

                                                        bum farto

                                                          If you get some early essence shift it won't solve the PT issue but at least allows you not to be dick early game....also, doesn't dark pact disable tranquils in the same way it does to blink?

                                                          TBD PLAYERS CANT PICK ZEUS/TINKER since 99% of these players suck at dota
                                                          - Dunno about this and besides it will never go through.

                                                          stop putting 4k shitters with 5k+ players
                                                          -I think the MMM should do it in blocks of 500mmr difference +/- or even keep it to brackets like 4599K-5000K / 5099K - 5.500 / 5599 - 6099 and perhaps alert players that they are venturing out of the bracket when the queue time gets to long, something like...

                                                          "Unable to find matching players in your skill bracket, would you like to include (below/higher) other brackets or continue searching using current bracket"

                                                          implement overwatch bans
                                                          - Yeah I think after a time certain players are far to toxic to fix and something of this sort needs to be implemented or at least give people the opportunity not to play with them.

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                                                            tranquils only broken by phys attack (giving or taking upon impact)

                                                            ICE SKULL

                                                              i agree about the brackets part, 5k-6k and 5k-6.5k seems most ideal to me

                                                              bum farto

                                                                It keeps it broad so like my bracket would be

                                                                4599-5000 so realistically I wouldn't be playing people much worse or much better....however you realize the MMR hell would be 5000-5499 cause that's where all the smurfs would sit and people who have barely managed to clear 5K on a new account playing Zeus as a 3K player

                                                       would also be nice to find players with a similar number of games, so I would get paired with people with at least over 2000+ games or something like that cause I don't want to play with someone who is abusing, inexperienced, or smurfing.

                                                       Chen/Barathrum were a smurf duo, as well as Tinker/Viper so I am stuck in solo queue with two garbage smurf parties.


                                                                  ^Looks like the smurfing tinker was the best player on your team by far, and according to the exp graph it was a pretty close game too.

                                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                                    i think havoc refers 'smurf' to acc buyers, he was talking about the chen and spirit breaker. basically overwatch bans would kick their nuts in and make it impossible to queue for a long time

                                                                    bum farto

                                                                      Here's the thing with tinker, executing the eblade dagon combo is not what makes a good tinker player...its your ability to get those items fast enough to be able to regain any foothold that may have been lost early.

                                                                      Tinker players that don't play it right put a lot of pressure on the team while they are farming their boots / blink / dagon / and while they may get kills (a lot of them) in the long run you will still lose the game. Not saying he did that bad and he did pick up but it's the nature of the hero to get a lot of kills, he was however quite decent in the cesspool of garbage in that game.

                                                                      This was my favorite build of that game by far

                                                                      bum farto

                                                                        Well smurf or a bought smurf account is still a smurf account whether created by a 6K or played on by a 3k. I think I have legitimately only seen one account buyer who I played when I was higher at around 4.9 and he was on a 32 game loss streak, I shit you not.

                                                                        BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                          I like the brackets idea and it should be similar to the system implemented by dotalicious.

                                                                          Basically you climb to the higher bracket given enough wins + win rate (I think you needed 55 win rate minimum to climb, and 50+ games in each bracket). This means that 1) You actually have to play a lot of games on an account to get to the top and, thus reduces the incentive to smurf since you won't start off at 5k 2) Even if you lose some games in a higher bracket, you don't get demoted right away. This reduces ladder anxiety, and if that player falls below a certain win rate after a certain number of games (say 47/48% after 50 games) then the player didn't belong there in the first place.

                                                                          I think people from 5500-6000 are better than me (I'm 5050 currently) but the difference is less noticeable when comparing a 5000 vs 4500 player, a 4500 vs 4000 player, etc.

                                                                          Someone who got to 6k randoming heroes (broodstar) is far superior in skill compared to someone who spammed phx/es/tb/[insert past broken heroes] to 6k.

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                                                                            MMR = meet more russians


                                                                              It was 55% + 200/n
                                                                              n=number of games