General Discussion

General Discussionlooking for invoker players

looking for invoker players in General Discussion
Kamado Kun

    i main invoker i feel im really average with him, i wanna watch some good players match to improve my game overall, not only watch mad combos with refresher in easy games lol


      I'm not trying to be mean, but:

      You're in normal bracket.
      You should focuse on getting better on the GAME, not on a hero.

      I'm sure your skills with Invoker is good, but your understanding of the game will be weakening your gameplay.

      Get better, and your Invoker will get better too.



        Kamado Kun

          actually all my heroes are plain bad and my invoker is a little less bad,i would also like to have advice on LHs and denys ganking stuff like that because even when i tryhard i dont get nearly as close farming on hard carrys as high skill players.i feel like im affected by wrong advices all the time on my games , ppl asking antimage for participating in tf very early stuff like that, so im looking for players better than me to look for cause im getting nowhere following advices from players worse than me or just as bad as me.


            I would suggest adding Wink as he is a good Invoker and a good teacher

            Or you could add me. I'm not too good either but atleast I can point out your errors and give you Invoker tips

            Kamado Kun

              @HotSalza i would love it :)


                Well i didnt had a Partner or something but i improved a Lot Watching guys like Cook and Grimorum

                Cook is more farming getting Midas 2 items and end the game then

                Grimorum is more Teamfighting focuses harassing over lasthitting at laning phase

                I didn't watched Mutch players playing invoker but as well as u I want to improve invoker

                  the realm's delight

                    watch this guy's replays if u still can, not scrubs on forums


                      My guide will answer most of your questions and more:


                      bum farto

                        The issue with all this help and following guides is that they are written by people of different strengths and what works for one doesn't work for all.

                        For Example: "6900 MMR Attacker Kunkka Build"

                        I have seen people doing this more and more and it always makes me laugh. The reason it's successful is that the guy is 6900MMR as a player and his execution and mechanical knowledge of the game will be far better than someone in 3K trying to get 6900 simply by copying his build.

                        One of the main things I used to tell people when coaching is that they don't play the hero badly and they know what to do and what to pick. When they would ask about what to buy and who to pick I would tell them they already know what they should buy and pick, and there is no special formula to winning the game and becoming better other than finding out what works for you and adjusting with help from people better than you and slowly improving it over time.

                        There is a difference between wanting to win, getting higher MMR, and improving in the game. All three of these will come in time but your priorities should be set as such.

                        For most people it goes like this...

                        > Get higher MMR
                        > Win games
                        > Get better at execution and mechanics

                        ...and this is why there are so many people who suck at the game, complain on forums constantly, and will make a ton of smurfs to be able to maintain this misguided progression. Understand your strengths and weaknesses and that of your opponents and play off of those (bad positioning for example) and learn to read your opponents and react accordingly, as well as maximizing on impact and time constraints in game.

                        TL;DR Sorry for the wall of text. Improving your gameplay will make you better, which in turn will win you games, which in turn as well will get you higher MMR. Don't do it the other way around, High MMR ≠ Good Player.

                        Kamado Kun

                          @Havoc Badger only saw this comment now, it was probably the best advice i heard in a long time,thanks a lot, i do solo queue most of the time, do you think the solo aspect of my playing would affect my skill as a team player?i like to play with friends sometimes but its hard to sync time with them to go full stack,i also like to repeat heroes forever until i feel i got better with it even if just a bit, is it a bad habit? thanks again