General Discussion

General DiscussionWorst aghanim scepter upgrade?

Worst aghanim scepter upgrade? in General Discussion

    Outworld Devourer with scepter upgrades ulti from 10x to 11x ? It's not even worth the cash . Even if your intelligence difference is 100 more than the enemy , without scepter=1000dmg ,with scepter=1100.Just adds 100 damage to it.
    I know how the ulti works and how strong it is , but the aghanim scepter upgrade sucks.

      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

        Well, what about Puck?


          Tied between puck and OD.

            how about skywrath? only 0 cd dude, still 800 mana spend
            such pity

            आप गे क्यों

              best agh holder = riki

              +hp op

              "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                dazzle. pointless


                  Bloodstone and Euls are even more pointless on dazzle.


                    the most overrated one is definitely invoker

                    srsly guys stop going aghs on invoker every time if you want to leave 3.5k bracket


                      I don't think it's pointless on dazzle, but there are way more items on the list that can be more useful.

                      @Olek. I disagree with you on the euls. Euls is situational and can be used to great effect.

                      @Ryfee It can be good if you have enough farm. It just blows people up. (I guess it'd work better if you have an OD in your team).


                        It might be useful against certain heroes you want to kite (e.g. lycan, void), but most people get it for the mana regen which is not needed on dazzle at all. His mana pool is big enough to heal, grave and slow multiple times in a fight. Aghs is way more useful since it makes you tankier (you're a squishy high priority target) while euls doesn't.
                        In those matches there's not a single hero that can burst your team so hard that forces you to build an euls.


                          I don't know. It still has it's utility. Personally, when I play Dazzle, I only get it for heroes I need to kite (like what you said). But if the euls synergizes with the skills of your teammates then why not.

                          I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying it's situational. And I'm not looking at Chico's specific matches because he may have found a use for them. (e.g. Dodging alch stun)


                            I think Puck with aghanim works quite well if you're teaming with a good Magnus. COIL+REVERSE POLARITY+SKEWER , deals ton of damage and leaves your enemies crippled. Haven't mentioned the damage dealt by your allies

                            Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                              ^ Or you could just buy a shivas guard and do even more damage and profit from the aura/slow as well.


                                My brother always buy specter.Every hero if hero has specter.Even pugna.Pugna?


                                  Pugna scepter good dude, can do fountain kill
                                  But Skywrath? Only change its cooldown, no damage plus or mana decrease -_-
                                  while this hero is very need mana regen or big mana pool

                                  Quick maffs

                                    Aghs upgrade for pugna is really good