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General Discussiontred of Theorycrafting

tred of Theorycrafting in General Discussion

    Post something you think could be a viable and good strategy, that might be done in comp/pubs, but aren't.

    (This might be old, but I've never seen it done.)


    Omni repels the target you want to priority first, naga sleeps thus fight is 5v1 > 5v4 after kill. This means Team B will fight without their carry/initatior/something.

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      I'd like to do Wisp/Legion Dual and leave.

      Ive also wondered if you could do pugna/morphling and skip the e-blade and get quick kills with decripify. But I don't know how effective it will be.


        I've tested pugna+morph. It's alright when u get ur shit maxed out, but by that time you'd probably have eblade either way. Also the inital damage from e-blade is a big part of the damage when you get later which decripify doesn't provide.

        It's okay though, but I'd rather put a centaur with pugna as you get the the effective point much earlier.


          I did wisp/legion quiet some times and its amazingly good.

          Naga + Euls worked in dota 1 and it was amazing, versatile and cheap.
          Repel has mediocre range and casttime IIRC


            I try to promote support Sniper in my recent games. So far general reaction from my teammates is a bit too nervous: "God! Please no!".


              Me and my friend been doing wisp/legion before people started complaining about how op it is recently since we used to run wisp/ursa back on dota 1. Super legit combo especially with wisp medallion.

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                Nobody builds Bloodseeker right IMO. His rightclick damage output is ridiculous midgame and lategame if you stack Agi items, and now that they buffed Bloodrage you can Bloodrage yourself and BKB and wreck their team with 300+ rightclick damage and immunity 25 minutes into the game.

                Starting: Stout Shield, Quelling Blade, Tangoes

                Early: Poor Man's Shield, Ring of Aquila, Treads

                Core: Sange & Yasha, Black King Bar, Butterfly

                Lategame/Situational: Skadi, Monkey King Bar, Daedalus, Abyssal Blade

                He's also really difficult to shut down in mid without help. Against most heroes you can get 60 lasthits at 10 minutes easy with a Quelling Blade unless they really focus hard on denying you farm by constantly rotating supports at you. His stat growths are ridiculous as well: 2 Str, 3 Agi, and 1.7 Int so he can definitely use the level advantage.

                And at 6 you can usually solo kill their mid unless they have a TP or play really safe. And hey, if they TP out that just means that your XP advantage grows even larger and you get freefarm for a little bit.

                I really hate seeing people build things like Radiance, Blademail, and Mjollnir on him and complain that they can't take it late. Those items are terrible on him IMO, and they aren't even much cheaper than the items I'm recommending when you take into account how much more he gets out of Agi items.

                6 slotted Bloodseeker is seriously ridiculous.

                Treads, Sange & Yasha, Butterfly, Skadi, Abyssal Blade, and BKB (Daedalus if you're feeling saucy).

                At level 25 that gives him 198 agi which is 230 bonus damage from his Q. With his +Damage (170) items included this means that he's going to be hitting you for 598 damage with great attack speed from all his Agi. That's late game carry numbers, and he's really tanky from the Skadi plus the evasion and all the armor he has from Agi.

                If you go Daedalus over BKB you'll be hitting for 655 and 1,637 on crits.

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                  Bloodseeker + Drow must be a good combo.

                  P.S. I hate mek+aghanim trend for Viper. You can only hope that there will be no late game.

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                    Soultrap, if you're saying mek+aghs Viper is bad then you better go read guides again. Not about Viper, but about dota.


                      cold snap + any dot is fun :)

                      ICE SKULL


                        zeus, blood, furi for dem kills, treant for dem gold and treant for dem armor

                        its zeh perfekt plan

                        ICE SKULL

                          ops meant gondar for gold


                            I'm not saying it's bad. Can I just hate something even if it's good?

                            casual gamer

                              blink naga

                              net 1 guy then blink forward and song his team

                              btw mek aghs viper is the best way to play him, and can transition easily into late game

                              also troll + void is my fav two hero combo, troll mid and void safe -> ez chrono kills

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                                Batrider + Pudge, blink -> lasso -> forcestaff -> hook. Player pretty much so far out of position that he will die no matter what.

                                My dawg

                                  mJOLNIR MANTA DESO TINKER


                                    Bloodseeker + pudge

                                    Literally bullshit


                                      have u tried the Drow, luna, vs? HOLY SHIT AURAS!


                                        travels + soulring + radiance, lone druid bear

                                        tp the bear to any lane, and splitpush.. at anytime in the game

                                        casual gamer

                                          Mjolnir tinker sounds actually not that bad. The shield is absurdly good vs DoT and the damage could be easily comparable to dagon but easier to apply if ur team is tanky


                                            @Peekaboo, I've never thought about that. Actually a good idea.

                                            @Wave, Yeah! This reminds me when I used to play Spectre, Zeus, AA, Furion + 1.
                                            Lose lane? Who cares, just get ur ults and wipe the opponents. Morsomt shit asss)

                                            आप गे क्यों

                                              @dacheat - really? I respect you as a person, but you are a terrible bloodseeker
                                              Whenever my teammates go pure dps bloodseeker, it never ends well. EVER.

                                              The best combo to play with a fren, especially now with a tinker immortal, is the tinker+bm
                                              The hawk can scout the entire map for anyone alone and tinker tps on the hawk
                                              THERE IS NO ESCAPE FROM THE LAZER+MISSILE+DAGON+REFRESH

                                              captain shibazel

                                                Bounty hunter+ bloodseeker.
                                                You bloodrage the bounty and then: huge amount of damage from the crit of bounty.
                                                This results in a deadly ganking duo.

                                                ICE SKULL

                                                  bloodseeker should be more of a "tank" where he sustains a shit ton of damage without worrying about dying, look how waga plays it in 7k bracket with 4k mmr players in his team. i think his replays expired tho

                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                    of course the term tank is dumb in dota but i think i made my point clear :D


                                                      "btw mek aghs viper is the best way to play him, and can transition easily into late game"

                                                      If you wasted 6500 gold and 2 itemslots on no DPS items, you will be doomed in late game (if enemy team survive for so long).

                                                      ICE SKULL

                                                        yeah you should buy shadow blade and yasha on viper XDXDXDXDXD sick items bro


                                                          No! Not Shadow Blade!

                                                          Viper can be a very tough tank with Skadi + Satanic + AC.


                                                            Viper is not a very effective late-game carry compared to another late-game carry with equal farm (LS, Spectre, Void) as his W only deals a static amount of damage, and is reliant on the %HP of the enemy, so naturally as it goes lategame your enemies will have higher HP pools, and thus you'll need more help for the bonus damage to take effect. That's why Mek into Aghs is usually the most effective build on him, he can farm the Mek extremely quickly which you use as an advantage over the enemy team, and if you can follow that up with a ~20 minute aghs then the enemy wont be able to stand up to a 500-700 DoT spell every 12 seconds. After that you can just build an MKB/Butterfly and still transition well into the lategame

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                                                            Hex Sigma

                                                              i saw a trend in low lvl pubs: if a team wants to win badly they usually pick a teamfight heavy ult op comp. Something like magnus, darkseer, lich, enigma, void(kind of overkill). And then as the picking phase progresses i think:"hmm what should i pick in order to counter rhese heroes... OH I KNOW"


                                                              This hero ruins so many comps it's not even funny.

                                                              So for those begginers that want to pick an omgwtfbbq comp try banning silencer first. Or he will punish your little asshole.

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