General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is Steam so shit at protecting accounts.

Why is Steam so shit at protecting accounts. in General Discussion
bum farto

    Do they not realize that once an account reaches a certain amount of value that there are people looking to get into it, why do they have nothing in place.

    Also the person who came up with this offline trading system needs to be shot, that is just asking for trouble.

    Today, unlike myself, I am in a really pissy mood...

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert
    King of Low Prio

      so its valves fault you fail at protecting your account?


        I don't get what happend ?

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Sorry for you dude but I have never seen anyone else complaining about this before.

          bum farto

   i logged in and my dota2 says I was kicked from a party. Instantly I know something isn't right and I check my account and that was there.

            That guy was never on my friendslist and I have never accepted trades or done anything of the sort. From what I surmise someone instigated a trade and got in and accepted it while i was offline.

            It is 100% steams fault that they have zero protection on the accounts, not even basic "what's your favorite animal" type questions to stop shit like this. When you have such a vast item base which is built around a financial model you have to have something in place to protect things from going wrong. If you leave these things to do their own thing lots will go wrong.

            Miku Plays

              im scared.... my only arcana TT.TT


                This shit is just wrong... I hope this guy gets fuckin robbed once, so he'll understand how does he make people feel.

                bum farto

                  exactly, I have items on the way and things I want to buy but now i am actually worried to bind them to my account which is sad as fuck.

                  Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                    If i want to log in to my steam account, i need to enter a code sent tot my email, in which the location is show from where 'I' try tot log in, you just have tot turn that option on


                      Was your steam guard on?


                        Wew, you get hacked bro?

                        bum farto

                          Yes I had steam guard on.

                          Sugar Show

                            Someone guy scammed 18keys 38days ago and steam haven't give my keys back!I feel how you feel bro.

                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                              isn't valve doing something about it if you report it


                                Steam will restore all your items if this is the first time it happened for you. Just send them a support ticket.


                                  ^+1 hope you get your items dude.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Uh how can they log onto your account? Even if they break your password they need the code that gets texted or emailed to your account. So they hacked your email as well?

                                    bum farto

                                      No just my account which is what I legitimately want to know.

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        Those items are valuable shit as well. People are crying for their 2 rares, dude you lost like 2000 bucks or maybe even more.


                                          I know people who lost waaaaaay more than that and they had everything restored. Just make sure it doesn't happen again.


                                            how do you know that they only hacked your account and not your email?

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              I still don't get how they can hack your account without you doing something like friending someone you shouldn't have or getting a keylogger or not having the passcode for new devices on. You must have done something sketchy.


                                                That sucks man. Kids these days seriously think hacking someones account for "steam" money is actually worth it.

                                                bum farto

                                                  Well it sucks but consider the both the drodo and the axe are worth about $400 each though they will probably just scam someone using it but hopefully....I can get steam to undo the transfer.


                                                    I hope steam will rollback the transaction.

                                                    Can you also ask steam what pussibilities that can lead to this kind of accident?

                                                    So people here knows at least how to prevent this thing from happening again to you and everyone who read this topic?


                                                      and can someone tell me how friending someone can make your account got hacked?


                                                        welcome to internet bro


                                                          Steam guard?

                                                          bum farto

                                                            There are several ways I know of...

                                                            Illicit links.
                                                            Friend impersonation.
                                                            Direct break in.

                                                            ..but this was like the weirdest shit I have ever seen. I log in and my dota2 client tells me I was kicked from a party so there is something in that.


                                                              Happened with me and with my friend once, just send a ticket to steam support, and they would return them to u.

                                                              bum farto

                                                                I sincerely hope so, I don't trade and don't even like items all that much but the few sets I had were old and quite well valued so I can understand why I was targeted. I just wish there was an extra layer of protection to the trading aspect of Steam.

                                                                It makes it too easy for private accounts to fleece people of things through the various means and it ruins the whole thing. Why should people be fearful about logging in and using their accounts and intended. Even blizzard took massive steps to prevent accounts getting hacked and losing items or whole accounts altogether.

                                                                Offline trading sucks, there is too much that can go wrong so it needs to be removed.


                                                                  wow, those are some fucking items right there

                                                                  offline trading is retarded as hell tho


                                                                    how can you blame valve for your own mistakes?

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      @wink, that's what I am asking, what did you do badger to enable this?


                                                                        Maybe you were hacked from a computer you've been logged before? Steam guard is quite solid in my opinion.


                                                                          well mb if u werent such nerd spending thousand euro on virtual items..


                                                                            n btw ik who is that guy who 'stole' ur items :) u know him aswell, he's a big guy on dotaboff


                                                                              u could feed entire africa with that money u spent on nothing. karma.

                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                How do you know he spent the money? Maybe they were from a friend who quitted the game or they were just from giveaways.


                                                                                  same shit just happened to mine mate immortal ursa set and some ti2 courier just got stolen am guessing the hacker used the same methods.
                                                                         < feel this person's pain please

                                                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                    "n btw ik who is that guy who 'stole' ur items :) u know him aswell, he's a big guy on dotaboff"

                                                                                    If you know who did it and you refuse to tell, you're as guilty as the guy who did it.


                                                                                      I did my investigation.

                                                                                      ^no one asked me to reveal the identity of the thief yet. so keep ur presumptions for yourself.

                                                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                        And tbh he's a good friend, im not that kind of guy that will just expose my friend to some randoms.
                                                                                        +he almost went to jail a while ago so i wont risk his safety.


                                                                                          ^i lol'ed so hard ' you aint my nigga if you talk like a snitch my nigga my nigga '


                                                                                            It's Nooooova the pony lover, he is just messing with you


                                                                                              ? im messing with you? u rly think so ?

                                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                THE PAIN IS REAL

                                                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                  Because it's too hard to get someone to say that right? And you even blackened the top of the chat, where you probably requested him to say these things.

                                                                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                    ..why would i do that rofl.. and if i blackened rest of the conversation its bcuz it had nothing to do with this~~ (it was from yesterday)

                                                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                                      You guys realize that he didnt do any mistakes right ? He didnt click any links or anything so please shut the fuck up

                                                                                                      ICE SKULL

                                                                                                        oh my god you're so funny you dumb kid

                                                                                                        "he almost went to jail"
                                                                                                        "i dont want to risk his safety"

                                                                                                        havoc just file a steam support ticket, state your original email and they will trade ban him permanently, not just the account he scammed you with, but all of his accounts