General Discussion

General DiscussionPost your Solo ranked match rating

Post your Solo ranked match rating in General Discussion

    4013. went 6-4

    how does this MMR thing work actually? cant seem to wrap my head around it >.< the higher the better?


      3690 1 win 9 loss


        @im jin-ah
        yup it's the higher the better, with 4013 you are better than roughly 97% of all dota player according to valve stats

        btw i just got mine !
        5 win 5 loss 4001
        i got stomped hard in between ....


          3055 solo.. not so good :/


            both 4,7k guess im bad :D


              vroksnak told me already that he will remove me if im under 5k


                vroksnak go do 10 solo matches


                  TOO BED NO ARSA W!SP


                    ~3960 7 loss 3 win, gyro had ~4360 and windrunner ~4150, *faceplam* valve


                      I dont get it Oo ... im on 2,8k. what is good and whats bad and HOW?!


                        mine is 4783 i think higher than my main account wtf......5wins 5 loss damn...


                          chris... i think your mmr should be at least 5k.. ur ursa win rate so high


                            i was a bit unlucky on those 10 calibrating game my hard drive was having huge issues and my pc would suddenly shut down on any given point,so on these 10 games i abadoned 3 games my self cause my pc was shuting down all the time,iand i only won like 3-4 of the 10 games i played great on 3 of them i litterally carried my team but rest 6-7 was complete disaster with abadons my pc crashing and stuff,and i got 4500 so i think it gets info mainly from ur public matchmaking and goes up or down accordingly,i feared with so many abadons on those 10 calibrating gamers i could get shit, btw some people here reported geting 100+ after 2 games how is that? my normal range is + 20-27 or -20-27 mainly havent seen anything like +50 poins yet ??


                              your 10 games dont affect your mmr as much as what your unranked was when you started. so 1-9 with 4261 just means you had like 4500 unranked or something like that

                              FREE PALESTINE,

                                i got 2413 :(

                                FREE PALESTINE,

                                  so what's the best ranked so far???


                                    rank 1


                                      3390 4-6. Lost 5 of my last 6 games -_-


                                        2-8 w/l 3300+, then i lost 4 more matches and its 3196 now



                                          Least mine's over 3k :/


                                            mmr 3775 now, going up slowly with 20-25 each time. So hard to net wins as solo queue.


                                              since 1-9 3500 solo rating, now its 3-16 3300 solo rating. It's only going to go down with the shit luck I get for teammates...


                                                4041 8 - 2 over 95%


                                                  4242 9-2


                                                    So to say the least your solo match rating is basically your ( hidden mmr before the update)+ ten games calibration. I've yoloed on this account pretty hard in low priority prior to the update.


                                                      4.3k party, I don't play solo.


                                                        4250 MMR




                                                            1000 solo 1010 party


                                                              5389 atm

                                                              FAT CAT

                                                                im at 1936 solo, is that good?


                                                                  mine is 4.469

                                                                  jess the goat

                                                                    im boosting mine right now, so far its working, what I do is I lose a couple in team then play 1 or 2 win in solo, then lose some in team, then go to solo and win, but this will lower your team though.


                                                                      3024 after winning 7 and losing 3.

                                                                      Which I'm amazed at, I was expecting 1200 or so.

                                                                      I won the first 4 games, (last of which I was carried and played terribly), then I got stomped. Then I had a couple of close games but still lost. Then I won my last three.

                                                                      I played mostly Lich as he's my most played and most comfortable hero and I had a hell of a losing streak just before I started the ranked games.

                                                                      It seems to me due to the losing streak it started me out nice and easy. By the third win it had me against better players than me, I win that but was out of my depth so it gave me another at that kind of level to see how I'd do this time. That went bad as well, it had obviously moved me up too far, my uncertainty dropped and I got close games for the rest of the calibration.

                                                                      All in all it seemed to work well, even if I think it's over rated me.


                                                                        @ /\
                                                                        1200 pts got almost every player who never saw moba game and playing their first 10 matches ;)

                                                                        Valve stated that only 10% players got above 3200 but i do believe that point when u start to playing good is around 4k and very good at 5k+.
                                                                        Im surprised that so many players with 4.5kish rating sometimes dont know basics and if they are better than 99.5% of players then im terrified how does one have to play to get rating under 1.5k.

                                                                        btw 4725 here

                                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                          Well I guess than more than 70% of the people here is lying about there ranking, because since 3900+ is 95 percentile that means almost everyone posting here is the best 5% dota player in the world... Yeah of course...

                                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                            you can look at your allies mmr in game during ranked matches, dunno about after during a replay. 3900 is pretty Low tbh doesn't seem 95 percentile. of course people who have previously good stats from normal matchmaking before the update due to stacking will have higher mmr after 10 calibration games.


                                                                              I got 3150 and since most of my friends have gotten above 3.5k I know I have a lot to improve on.

                                                                              When is Valve going to release the actual percentiles for ranked MMR? 3k doesn't seem that high considering how many friends I have with that score.



                                                                                Dota 2 had 6,5 million unique players last month. How many people are on dotabuff? Exactly, 1%.


                                                                                  lol 4k, losing lotss of games with windrunner recently lol I am so bad


                                                                                    I went 6-4 at the start. went about 3/10 afterwards which dropped me around 3500. Then I went 13/15 which raised me to 3800. What changed? I stopped playing AP and only do captain mode now.


                                                                                      3894 :D


                                                                                        Got out of calibration 7-3 at 3502. I've only had losses since then dropping to 3395. EVERY MATCH A 40MIN SHADOWBLADE SNIPER. Literally as I just queued posting this, someone randoms a Sniper. Attempting to support when people feed 10 kills in 10 minutes is just impossible. I obviously need to go do trench Riki or some shit.

                                                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                          i dont get it.. some people here with negative stats and 4k+ mmr... mine is 3.2k but i consider myself 4k+.. always queued solo and have nice winrate.. fuck valve

                                                                                          Victor Wembenyama - Ede

                                                                                            @troopske 5% of player is 350.000

                                                                                            LL Poroksi

                                                                                              We got thread for you already, you can consider yourself anything there, we know it's valve that's holding you down


                                                                                                i noticed that ppl with same win rate and more games have higher rating . Which kinda sucks cuz once u calibrate there is not much chance to increase it , its solo mode we talking about .
                                                                                                I had 7:3 wins/loses in the calibration phase and hit around 2950 mmr and its hell to increase it , i tryed more games - either i get a good team and we win smoothly or i get idiot team/quitters and lose like nothing. Still i manage to keep like a 50-55% win rate in those games but its nearly imposible to increase the rank . I get 25-28 points per win and i lose 25-28 points per lose ( and i still havent seen the miracle when u get points when u lose or the other way around)
                                                                                                I find the whole system pretty fucked up .
                                                                                                Oh i cant see any patern that shows that LH or score or denies or gold matters, in my case lose badly / play good and lose - i lose the same points Or play bad and win /carry the game and win i gain around the same points.

                                                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                  Only win-lose and mmr difference matters. You will lose some cousw someone else feeds, other games you will be carried. Its good thing, otherways everyone would pla for stats not for win. Like fountaincamps or not joining risky teamfights even if others already started ..

                                                                                                  Ive seen a friend go up from 4100 to 4800 in this really little period, he was underrated due to not giving a fuck, he started playing seriously and mm puts him where he belongs. Talking about solo queue. (No spider, spirit or lc pick)

                                                                                                  So try harder. Gl.

                                                                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                    Fk that shiet got to 3950 then lost 4 games in a row back to 3825. Team fed too hard, even as a meepo my kda is better than these random scrubs


                                                                                                      i won 7games, lost 3games so shitty 4396 why ?