General Discussion

General Discussionwho think the three spirits are ugly

who think the three spirits are ugly in General Discussion

    the pandaren in dota1 is way cool . they are supposed to be naughty and funny (based on their skills)
    The current 3 spirits are boring ugly stupid and not innovative.
    valve should just model them after the original red/blue/green pandaren.
    ya i know pandaren is blizzard's intellectual property, but a humanoid panda (or pandanoid panda) should be fine.

    King of Low Prio

      why would they give blizzard a reason to want to try and sue them?

      Valve: no its not a Panda its a chubby furry human with round ears on the top of their head.......


        yeah was saying the same.
        but it's not the best solution like d1 has. same pandas like from pandaren ultimate.
        so whatever, I don't care.


          if blizzard gonna sue valve for making panda. then blizzard should also sue panda express, wwf, pandora radio, people republic of china.

          King of Low Prio

            "try" plz read


              agree, they ugly as fuck


                I think they are pretty cool.

                I'm not surprised at all that they currently have the worst winrate of all heroes. I've experienced it myself, far too many people insta-picking them because they are new and feed constantly. How much time does it normally take for dota players to understand a new hero and get generally decent with it?


                  "How much time does it normally take for dota players to understand a new hero and get generally decent with it?"
                  This question has no answer, as some never become decent with them ;p

                  King of Low Prio

                    these 2 are a rare thing to dota 2 as well since alot of the old dota 1 players dont even have experience with them because they came in after dota 2 came out. With all the other heroes people knew exactly how to play them once they came to dota 2


                      i think the spirits are shit

                      every game 2 idiots pick them and dont know how to play. in rare cases they do

                      atleast you didnt need a brain to play abba


                        "atleast you didnt need a brain to play abba"
                        Oh don't tell that to the team I played him first god. The one guy may have had a stroke over it lol

                        I'd say give it a month. By then people will either be tired of them, or won't be wanting to try the new flavor. From that point forward they'll only be picked if they have a correct place in the lineup or the player likes the hero.


                          I hope that's the case, because really, it's hilarious to see an Earth Spirit rolling all the way to the enemy tower (his roll cannot be stopped) because he placed too many stones in the lane, but I only thought that because he wasn't in MY team.


                            I think they all look good tbh..

                            Also the both Ember and Earth are extremely strong if mastered, and I'm already on my way to 100 games of ember!

                            Really like the mobility of those heroes.